Sunday 14 July 2019

304 night in the woods - checking out the furnace

Dear Readers,

Bea and I went down into the lady's basement to look at her furnace. I told Bea I loved creepy basements!

Bea said why wouldn't I, look at all this splendour. I said geez, the lady had a lot of junk. I thought maybe she had a few more husbands stacked in the corner. Bea laughed a li'l at this thought. She said alright, let's get this done so we could go home.

We approached the furnace. I said to Bea wasn't it illegal to smoke indoors. She said it was. I put my hands on my hips and said well well well, Bea the criminal! She said it was a dummy and she was trying to quit! She was chewing on this thing! I was like what and she asked if I noticed any smoke coming out at all. I said I had seen her smoke and she said yeah, but not indoors. I totally thought it was real! She asked me where did I think the smoke was going and I said I thought she was... swallowing it? She asked me if I knew how smoking worked and I said I was sorry I wasn't a smoking scientist, calling her Beatrice! She asked me what else didn't I know and I raised my arms, saying I was sorry I didn't get a degree in cigarettology! Haha yeah! Giving her some sarky sass of my own! :)

She asked what even was my major in college and I lowered my eyelids, saying with a smile that it was kicking butt and getting rad. There was a pause as she stared at me.

We then looked at the furnace. I decided his name was Clanky. It was a huge old robot of a thing with an old robot face. She told me to just hang out while she fixed this right quick. She told me not to break anything either. I asked what was I gonna break? This was a basement full of crap!

Bea went behind the furnace and said she wouldn't be long. I asked if I could help and she said nope! I asked why did I come here then and she said it was because I wanted to come along! She then told me to just chill.

Bea really disappeared behind that furnace, making the odd noise here and there. The music in the house throughout has been a weird little carnival ditty. It suits the old lady well.

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