Sunday 28 July 2019

318 night in the woods - dad at the deli

Dear Readers,

Bea and I reached the deli counter and dad gave us a big ahoy there ladies greeting! I said hi dad and he said to Bea long time no see! She asked him how he was, calling him Mr. Borowski.

He said he couldn't complain, that it was just him and the meats! I said "Meatfriends." but I kinda wanted to say the other thing. He said it helped to stay friendly with your prime cuts and best fishes. Bea said true.

I said to dad it was still weird seeing him here. He said it beats the alternatives! I said I thought I saw my old music teacher when we came in. Bea said yeah it was Mr. Armistead. I said it looked like it was his job to say hello to people. He said yeah, that it was called a greeter and that he knew he recognised him from somewhere. I said alternatives? and dad said not working. I said oh.

Dad then asked what we lovely ladies were doing here. Bea said we were grabbing something for dinner. He asked how her dad was and she said alright. He asked what he could get for us. Many choices here! In real life I'd never pick chicken or fish. I went for "Ground beef" and he said classic! He then said to Bea she should come by for dinner sometime! I said at the Ham Panther? and he said at home, Mae. Heehee :) He said he'd grill us up something nice as they could chop up just about anything back there! Bea said that would be nice and thanked him. I said yeah! and let's get our meats! Dad said coming right up!

Poor Bea said she wasn't even going to look at what I decided, she was that straight up tired. I said it was gonna be great! The music then stopped as dad looked at what we had picked out. He said it looked interesting. I said interesting? and he said maybe he was just behind the times, and wished us luck! Bea thanked him and he said to tell her dad he said hello! I said see you later, dad! and he said bye to us! I finally got to see him here!

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