Thursday 11 July 2019

301 night in the woods - asking bea what the point of work is

Dear Readers,

I called in to see Beabea at work to see how she was doing after that bad mall food court food.

I asked her how she was doing and she said she had a load of rock salt to move. It came in early this year along with a crapload of snow shovels. She said the distro place didn't usually goof up like this. I said maybe it's run by weather wizards and she said that wasn't a bad theory. She asked what was up and I asked her if she wanted to hang out tonight. She said she was working if I wanted to come along with her.

I said I was thinking we'd go play putt-putt out in Hunwick and she said that actually wasn't a bad idea, but she then said sorry and that she had to work. I was like jeez, what even was the point? She said paycheques, rent, food, medicine and that kinda thing. She asked if I wanted to come along or not and I said "Let's hang out!"

A mini-section came up titled "house call"

She has valid answers to my question about work but still, what's the point if you can't really live a life?

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