Wednesday 10 July 2019

300 night in the woods - garbage bears

Dear Readers,

This is my longest series yet! 300 posts! :) It's a damp and dreary day in the game but I've got this cool thing to celebrate!

The Smelters fans were wet and cold but since the Smelters would play in any weather. Come rain or shine, it's always Smelter weather!

Angus was out of town so it was just his co-worker on duty.

The newspaper guy was talking about sinkholes, saying one day the whole town's gonna get swallowed up.

The Russian hiker was here today as well. When he talked about doing the Great Eastern Deciduous Trail I asked him "Did you see any bears?" He said not so far and I said they eat people sometimes. He said all of our bears around here mostly eat garbage. I said rude. He then talked about the park store and I told him about Snack Falcon again. Nice meeting that guy again :) I wonder if the dialogue choice here influences anything?

Afterwards I went to see Germ at the Food Donkey. The first of many times he walks into the steps. I didn't have any dialogue choices here. He talked about crusties and missing limbs.

Afterwards I went to see Bea at her workplace to see how she was feeling after that bad food court food.

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