Saturday 13 July 2019

303 night in the woods - the lady with the furnace

Dear Readers,

The lady in the house thanked Bea and myself for coming on such short notice.

Bea said it was no problem. The lady said she could sleep through a four alarm fire but not that furnace she had. Bea said we'd take a look at it. The lady said ever since Gene passed, she just couldn't abide that thumping. Bea said that was understandable. The lady said Gene was such a darling man...

I then butted in, whispering to Bea, asking her what she meant by holding that thought about hunters shooting people. Bea said to wait for it...

The lady immediately said she'd never forgive them for taking Gene away. Bea just went uh huh like this was a routine thing and the lady continued, saying it ain't like she didn't treat him right. She said she looked it up on the internet and that he didn't smell or nothing. Bea said again to wait... for... it...

The lady then said you couldn't take a woman's husband just because he was dead. Bea turned to me and said there it is. I was like holy gosh. The lady continued, saying they took him right off that couch. Bea said it's a crime and I said yeah a crime was definitely committed alright. The lady went on more, saying they just couldn't abide not being able to tax him anymore and was sure that's what it was. She then said she wouldn't talk our ears off about it. She then led Bea further into the house, telling her to come look at her fridge while we were here. Bea said they billed by the half hour.

This room they left me in was all dark and the TV was all static. I followed them into the lady's kitchen.

I looked at the fridge and said good job. Bea agreed it was a nice fridge and asked the lady what the problem was. She said there wasn't any problem, just that it was a classic. An original Luna Freez. She was showing it off! Bea just said wow in her usual tone and the lady said they were all the rage when she was our age. They lasted forever and made her feel so young. I said I saw one the other night when I got back into town. The lady said oh really, and asked me where. I said it was upside down under some logs in a creek in a ravine. The lady made an ellipsis and just went silent for a moment. She was finally struck speechless!

Bea jumped in with so! Furnace! The lady said oh right and said it was right through here to the basement. Bea said that sounded good and said let's go to me. Bea told the lady we'd be down there for a bit and to please remember not to lock us in.

The lady said what? and Bea said that the last time they sent someone, he got locked in the basement. The lady assured us that did not happen. Bea said he called her, from the lady's basement. The lady then said the man did smell a bit of booze when he came by. Bea said oh. ok. I said busted and Bea said or something. She then said down we go! I said to the lady it was nice meeting her!

The lady then said she didn't really know who I was and called me little person. Yeesh!

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