Sunday 7 July 2019

297 night in the woods - selmers' network marketing gig

Dear Readers,

Poor Selmers gave me a sales pitch until I said I didn't have any money. I asked her "Have you sold anything yet?"

She said she sold some to her mom and to Abby Crangler. I asked if it was Mrs. Crangler's daughter and she said it was her granddaughter. She runs into her at the laundromat over by the school. I said Gregg once got locked inside one of the tumble dryers. She asked if he died. I said he wanted me to start it but I chickened out. She said he definitely would have died. I told her to tell him that as he was still mad about it!

I said "sure!" of course when she offered to recite another poem. It was the Octember one :)

But yeah wow. That sounded like a crazy stunt that Gregg wanted to do.

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