Friday 26 July 2019

316 night in the woods - busy as a bea

Dear Readers,

I went to Bea's shop. Danny was on duty today too. I asked him how it was going and he said eh, it paid. That's more than I can say for many companies but that's another story.

He said he was refusing to unload all that rock salt by himself. It wasn't even Halloween yet.

I asked Bea how the Pickaxe was and she said it was trying to kill her, unsuccessfully, thus far at least. I asked her what was so stressful and she said on top of everything else, they were hosting that Harfest play tomorrow. I gave a big long wow! and she said she was never offering to do it again. I asked her what she was up to tonight and she said nothing, as she was super tired. She said everything about her life was exhausting and she was doing the work of 3 employees plus a store owner, even though she was one employee and she didn't own this store.

I thought it weird, thinking for some reason she owned this place now. She said you'd think, but also no, that she'd rather die. She said to literally make her a coffin, using materials and tools from this very store and bury her anywhere else. I was like gee, that got intense. Very much like our band's song Die Anywhere Else :)

She groaned. Then she said she wasn't doing anything tonight. I said I could do nothing too! She made an ellipsis and then said fine. She asked if we were doing this and I said "Let's hang out!"

All of a sudden, Germ popped out from the back room! He gave us both a big hi! Bea gave him a big hi as well and I said hey dude. She said he was helping her move stuff for under the table cash. He then went back into the back.

Bea then said she was knocking off work early to pick up some groceries. She asked if I wanted to come and I said sure!

Bea walked out from behind the counter and asked if I was ready to go. Germ was doing his thing, saying they had a lot of hammers here and so many kinds of nails! I said alright then. Bea said he was like something out of a children's book about whatever the heck he was!

The next mini section came up, titled "dinner at bea's"

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