Monday 29 July 2019

319 night in the woods - meeting bea's dad

Dear Readers,

On the drive home from Ham Panther, I said to Bea that was fun! She was like yup. Groceries. Really makes you appreciate life. I told her her sarcasm was invalid!

I said shopping was fuuuuuuun! There was a long pause before she said woohoo.

Then we arrived home, to Bea's home. She declared it dinner time.

Then it was us three at the table — Bea, myself and Bea's dad. The table being part of that dinky kitchen counter work area. The music changed to a simple, quiet, humble and unimposing tune.

Bea and her dad didn't look too happy with dinner. Their eyes look massive when they're not looking off to the side. I was like what? and Bea asked her dad if he wanted her to order a pizza? He said nah, that he had sandwich stuff. Bea said alright. I was like aw and asked if I ruined dinner? Bea's dad said yep, but he also said we'll live with a laugh! He said he didn't think ground beef was meant to stand alone. Bea added like, in a pile. I let out another big awwww, asking if I was just bad at everything? Bea said no, just fixing things and planning meals. I said those were big life skills! Bea asked if I liked this food and I said no and agreed that it was very terrible.

The scene changed... slightly. It shifted a few feet away from the kitchen to the living room section of the apartment. The TV was showing what sounded like some kind of sports event. Bea and her dad were sitting on the couch. I sat on one of the kitchen stools.

Bea said they were all paid up til the 15th next month. Bea's dad said n'alright. He then asked if that rock salt was sorted. Bea said yeah, that it should be fine. He asked if Rob was still driving that big truck and she said as far as she knew. She then said she needed him to sign some things she left on the kitchen bar counter. He said he thinks he might just get to them. She said to please do, as they had to pay the guys in a few days. He said he didn't need her to remind him. She said she didn't but... and then he butted in, saying he didn't, asking her whose name was on the deed? She said it was his. He asked whose name was on the cheques? After a pause she looked to the TV and said it was his. I made an ellipsis...

Bea's dad then said dinner wasn't gonna set well and that Smelters were playing tonight. Bea said we were gonna hang out in her room and I said yeah... He told us girls to have a nice time and thanked me for dinner! I said yep!

Bea walked off to the right. I hopped off the stool. Smelters, huh? I said to her dad. He asked if I was a fan and I said "Not really." and he said I didn't know what I was missing! I said to trust me, that I knew exactly what I was missing. I said my parents watched the Smelters pretty religiously. He laughed and said they raised me right! Then he asked what happened and I said I had no idea.

I then walked after Bea, into her room.

I finally got to meet her dad and see just what he was like. Yeah...

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