Saturday 3 August 2019

323 night in the woods - 3 weird teens say a lot more!

Dear Readers,

It was Harfest! Selmers had decorations and a new poem too!

I chose to listen of course! It was all about Halloween gloom and fixing Halloween snacks. She thought Harfest was dumb but I loved it!

In Towne Centre, the committee were bickering about the ferris wheel and about safety.

Aunt Molly was here too and she was blocking off the road. I wonder when was that one time she had to shoot someone. I said she should carry a battle axe :)

I went to the church and it was freaking eerie. Absolutely no music at all. Just an eerie blowing of wind. Mom was here and when she saw me she made an ellipsis and said she was busy. Yikes... fresh after our argument I guess...

Also, the books in the church library seemed to be stirring and I could see the spaces between the books as they moved slightly. Maybe it was a graphical glitch thing or...? I mean... it was pretty eerie here.

It wasn't eerie in the sanctuary but it was just dead silent.

Pastor Kate was sitting at the statue outside, saying something about being stood up. Stood up by Bruce? I wonder...

I talked about the statue and Saint Rubello and about him breathing fire and eating people. Pastor Kate asked me if we could learn something from him and I said "Eat people", which was a different answer from last time but got me the same reaction! Also, no progress on the Bruce situation.

Chatted with Bruce a li'l too, saying he should come to Harfest and say hi. He said we'll see. I'm glad I said it to him at least :)

I found the three weird teens at the dead end. They asked me if I saw a shipwreck, a ghost on a hill (!) or an arrow broken. Whoa! Now that I've played through this game once already these choices are kind of uncanny! The ghost I mentioned last time so I said "The shipwreck", talking about the old ship thing in the old playground. All three of these things I come across in the game but the shipwreck is the only thing I've seen up to this point. One of them said I had answered well. Another said they would peer into my future. Another said they would give me what help they could, and they continued taking turns saying parts of sentences, saying they would give me help in the coming dark.

I said "Alright go for it" and they said to tell them first, what was god in this place. Was it caring but absent? Uncaring but distant? Vicious and roaming? I asked if we could go with nice and helpful but got no response. Then I said ok fine.

I chose "Vicious and roaming" They said it ate their futures and moved on, but they lived in the ruins. I was like uh huh.

They said they saw something in my future, they knew! They knew! They knew! I was like ok already, geez.

They said they cry out to it but it is others who will sacrifice. I said ok well that's cryptic and let's try something easier. I asked them what was I going to have for dinner tonight. They said they didn't know, and didn't care. One said they wanted tacos and another said they'd have them soon. They'd all have them soon.

I said I was gonna get going and they said stop. They asked if I could see the mystical symbol etched upon this sacred rock. It was then I noticed there was a ton of graffiti here! Very faded but lots of it! They meant the pentagram they had drawn though. I chose "The pentagram you guys drew?" and they said yes. Good. I figured it was a better choice than the more condescending sounding answer.

They said it was the first of three. They told me to find it thrice and it shall find me in the dark. I said cool and I was gonna head out. I told them they were adorable and weird, but the fun kind of weird.

They said this was serious, like they weren't kidding and they didn't care or anything but like, dude. I said alright and that I'd keep an eye out for pentagrams and what not. They said cool and I laughed, saying they broke their speaking order. They said no and that they were just going backwards now! They asked if I was freaking out yet and I said see ya, weird goth teens! They asked if I wasn't gonna narc on them to the pastor and I said nah. They said cool thanks.

Wow! There's a lot more to these teens and what they were saying than meets the eye! I got to get them to talk a lot more this time! What was that about spotting three pentagrams?

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