Thursday 15 August 2019

335 night in the woods - again, destroy all jobs!

Dear Readers,

With everyone together at the Party Barn and after we had done Pumpkin Head Guy, I was in a good place to tell my friends about what was going on with me and what I saw.

I told them I think I needed to do something as this was scary. Gregg asked me if I was ok and I said "Yeah!" this time. I said I wasn't like losing it or something.

They disagreed about it being a ghost and I groaned. They offered to help though and I ended up going to the library with Bea. The title "library" showed up before we arrived there.

I still love that Look! Jobs! line that Bea delivered while I looked all sceptical at the library mural. In the art gallery for this game I learned it was based on all these murals found all over USA. It's pretty cool!

We were here to look at some microfiche or microfeesh :)

We asked the librarian if they found it spooky here alone. They were ok. It is kinda spooky. The mural would look spooky at this time of night alright.

Bea and I took the elevator upstairs and looked at someone's open resumé on the computer. This was the one belonging to the 50-year old. I was saying how you should have guaranteed money by then and it should be guaranteed in general without having to work. Bea then asked if I wanted to join her Young Socialists Chattrbox group. I think I said this before but... aren't socialists obsessed with working? Destroy all jobs I say again!

Then it was on to the Charity Bearity section. I loved the exchange with granddad I had about it during the Lost Constellation story :) Bea didn't know about it so I told her "You were under some curse" where a cute thing followed you around 24-7 yelling about stuff like sharing and not littering and paying taxes. She said that was an important... uh... skill. I told her I was 5 when I heard this stuff! I was 20 at this moment and I still hadn't paid taxes!

Bea said Charity Bearity goes to a state infrastructure budgeting meeting, which was probably one of the book titles, or at least, ridiculous enough to sound like one. Another one was Charity Bearity: Oh no! Austerity!

I asked Bea what austerity was and she said it was the reason the two bridges in and out of Saltztown were still closed. I was like wow... you still couldn't go there? She said you were welcome to try!

Wow... I wonder who lives there and how they manage? Are they stranded?

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