Thursday 29 August 2019

349 night in the woods - asking more about my monstrous existence

Dear Readers,

I had another opportunity to speak with the big weird cat creature with the bright white eyes in my dreams again, so I chose different dialogue choices.

When it said god was nowhere I said "Well, you can't see god" It replied that I was seeing what I was wishing, calling me little creature.

When it came to the part about a great beast making a tear I said "A... tear?" and it said with their hooves they were making a tear.

They showed me the image from last time about a flea or something and I still have no idea what it means. I thought maybe they were talking about the Black Goat or something but these were fleas?

When it said it was climbing into the air and closing the sky, I asked "Why?" It said it was tired of speaking with little creatures and tired of speaking of god.

The hole at the centre of everything... was it referring to that hole with the Black Goat? It said there would only be the hole left. Pretty much nothing else. I asked "What about trees in the fall? What about the leaves?" and it answered that it was bare existence, meaning nothing.

The conversation continued much like it did last time and went on until it was time to go.

Such a cold being. Brrr... The bummed out piano music played afterwards too.

When I woke up I was dying to connect with my fellow little creatures. I went online to messages from Bea, Gregg and Angus.

Bea said she was at work, Gregg said to save him from boredom supreme and Angus had that away message about planets again.

I went downstairs to mom without saying good morning. Just hopped on the counter. She asked if I was ok and I said mornings were tough right now. This was when she asked if I was pregnant, which was an amusing exchange :)

Of course, she was all excited about grandbabies! Talking about the possibilities of names and stuff. She even liked the notion of me just having the baby and handing it to her!

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