Friday 9 August 2019

329 night in the woods - after halloween chat with selmers and mr. chazokov

Dear Readers,

I went out to a very gloomy and damp day. The first day of November and the first after the big harrowing twist. Things were all serious now.

I touched base with Selmers and we talked about Halloween. I told her I saw some messed up stuff that I thought was real and then had a really bad nightmare. She just ate candy and watched TV. I said "Sure!" to a new poem like always :)

I asked her "What's considered an "Autumn crime"? She said it was robbing a gas station then blowing it up in November. I said that made sense.

I went up to Mr. Chazokov and of course said "Yeah!" to another invitation to gaze at dusk stars.

I spotted the Big Snake and I said "I saw a big snake once." He asked if it was at the zoo and I said it was in scouts when we were hiking and I saw one sunning itself on a rock. He said what a treat! I said I was thinking it was rare to see a snake just randomly relaxing. I asked what was up with this one and he told me about it again.

Next was Gramercy the medium. When Mr Chazokov talked about his spirit coming back to speak with him I was like "How did... wait... what?" and he said his spirit possessed his body. I said it was like literally the same thing as being alive. Again, as he said, some things were just strange!

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