Sunday 18 August 2019

338 night in the woods - excited about ghost hunting plans

Dear Readers,

All three buddies were online tonight after our ghost meeting!

Bea was saying to let her know when I wanted to go to the graveyard any night this week. I thanked her. She said not to be too thankful as she was going there anyway and it was right down the road. I said she was ruining this so she said I was so incredibly welcome and also I better not forget this big favour! I said that was more like it :) Then she said she was falling asleep and she had fun tonight. She also apologised for being grouchy and trailed off, as if she fell asleep right then and there. I was like it's ok and lol.

Gregg said he was looking up the Historical Society online and got spooked at the notion of going through an old place where there could've been a grave or something.

Angus said to let him know when I wanted to go to the park and he found a good map online. I said it was great and that we never really get a chance to hang out. He said it'll be fun he thinks! Then he was getting tired and he was going to bed so we said our goodnights.

I gave Sharkle a click goodnight and went to bed myself... to another horrifying dream.

In this dream all these buildings were leaning over and figures were floating in the air. Big bright fish swooping around too. After activating the four musicians the big animal this time was a bird that caught a fish and had a massive wingspan. Some weird bummed out piano music played after then. Then it was morning.

All three buddies left offline messages for me. Bea said last night inspired her and she was getting me a library card for Longest Night and I was welcome. Gregg said his mouth tasted weird this morning, like a tyre, so he was gonna be at work trying to wash it out with whatever's in the cooler. Angus just had a general away message with a quote about planets.

I went downstairs to mom and she asked if I was feeling ok as I looked a little limp. I said I was having weird dreams and had a weird night too. She said I sad weird a lot. I said I was just being honest.

I told her about going to the library with Bea last night and she said that sounded nice! I said it was interesting!

She told me to take care out there today as I did look very tired. I said I'd be good once I get out there and about. She said maybe it was a good day to get out in the fresh air. I said I'd let her know!

She said it was nice and sunny today and she hated rainy days. She just never wanted to leave bed on rainy days. I said I loved 'em! All nice and grey. I said the sun was too bright sometimes and you needed some cloudies. She said I was a gloomy little eel and we got to go eeeeeeeeeels! again :)

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