Tuesday 13 August 2019

333 night in the woods - aunt molly couldn't help, time to ask friends

Dear Readers,

I went up the hill where Aunt Molly immediately started asking me questions about what I saw here last night.

I asked her back the same question, "What were you doing out here last night?" and she said she got reports of vagrants and that might've been what I saw out here. Then she said it was my turn.

I said I saw a kidnapping and she told me about the sheer impossibility of someone getting past the fence. She asked if I had any theories and I said "No."

The conversation continued on the same as last time until she left.

I then went to Bea's shop where I felt a bit happier. She thanked me again for last night and said she owed me one. I said it was fine and it was fun but my night got really weird and bad afterwards. She asked how so and I said I was still putting it together and I'd tell her later. She told me to let her know how it goes and I said I would.

She said it was band pactice day and I said yeah, and I was gonna hunt down Gregg. She said it shouldn't be too difficult. He was at the Snack Falcon. She said she didn't know how he stayed employed as he stole constantly, broke supplies for fun, and left work whenever he wanted. I said he played by his own rules and she said it felt more like the world played by his rules. I was like whoa and she said she didn't even know what that meant. I was like still. Whoa.

I then called in to Gregg where we decided to go to band practice.

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