Friday 30 August 2019

350 night in the woods - different choices with adina and kol stars

Dear Readers,

As part of my daily rounds I now visit Rabies by the bridge :)

Today I chatted with him about this ghost stuff lately.

Selmers noticed I was under the weather and recited a poem about life being too short. She also talked a bit about Mr Chazokov's son being hot as heck and felt he'd never be interested in her. Aw.

I went up to Mr Chazokov and went star hunting again. He noticed I looked a bit worse for wear. I was visibly exhausted.

I spotted Adina Astra. We discussed her story and how she just disappeared into the earth. He asked me wasn't it said and I said "No. Disappearing isn't the same as dying." I said she probably went somewhere else completely and did all kinds of cool stuff.

Then I spotted Kol the Mountaineer. When he asked me about the instinct of seeking that which is unlike where you grew up I said "Yeah", that people go to the city and they move there because it's got stuff and there are more people like them maybe. I also said it sucked because not everyone could just up and leave. He said when he left his country he felt the same thing, but he hadn't regretted it. I asked him did he like Possum Springs and he said it was beautiful in ways perhaps invisible to those who have seen it every day of their lives. That's nice :)

Afterwards, he was worried about me falling off the roof because I looked so tired. I soldiered on anyway!

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