Thursday 8 August 2019

328 night in the woods - mom reveals the house situation

Dear Readers,

Before going downstairs to mom I looked around the bookshelves and stuff. It was fresh after the night I saw the ghostly figure for the very first time and I was trying to tell myself I was keeping it together.

As I came downstairs to mom she called me into the kitchen to say hello, whydontcha. I went in to her and hopped up on the counter as usual, but with my eyes lowered.

We said hey to each other so we were talking again at least. She said I looked really tired and I said so did she. I also had a splitting headache. She said the weather seemed to agree with me as it was grey and drizzly. I said I could go for that today.

After a pause she said sorry for yesterday. I said me too. I said I said some stuff I didn't really mean. She said whether I meant it or not, it wasn't how we should communicate. She didn't want us to stop talking. She just didn't want a repeat of a few years ago. I made an ellipsis before telling mom I was really sorry. About all of it. I hopped off the counter.

Mom asked if I was ok and I said I was fine I guess. I was just stressed too. I saw some weird stuff last night or at least I think I did. She asked me if I wanted to talk about it and I said later, as I was still putting it all together. She asked if we could talk about school and I said also later.

I asked her what she was stressed about and she said well I was a grown up now. I told her to spill it. She then revealed that after my incident a few years back, as I knew, they went into some debt smoothing that over. I said geez, I was still so sorry about that. She said it was in the past and let's not go back over it. I said ok.

She continued, saying when it came time to get me off to school, they took advantage of a kind of mortgage to make sure I was taken care of. I made a suspicious look and said oook... then she said it turned out it wasn't a very good deal and she felt really stupid about it. It was one of these things where they like to offer mortgages to people who maybe don't have a lot of money and aren't used to getting offers like this. I said why and she said because the bank took advantage of us and now they owned the house, and we owed them more than it was worth. Yikes...

I asked what does that mean? She said it means we're not sure how long into the future we'll have the house. I was like holy crap, we were in trouble and I was a huge jerk... She said it was ok and said not to worry.

Then I asked her what she was reading and it was a book about unsolvable murders. She asked if I wanted to hear a real teaser and I said "Sure!" When she said it's supposed to get ya thinkin' I said "About murder?" and she said you couldn't solve a murder without one! I then had a question: "Who's the other guy in the room?" and she said the suspect was clearly upper middle class and I said that wasn't super helpful. She said maybe he ski tripped him to death somehow. I added that he whacked him in the Jacuzzi in his backyard. These were pretty funny! After a moment of me thinking with narrowed eyes I said I think I got it! I gave the same answer I gave the last time I played this. Magnet stuff!

Enjoyable conversation and it was nice to patch things with mom. She didn't tell me about our family's debts in the last playthrough where I avoided the argument! I had no idea all this time! Yikes!

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