Wednesday 21 August 2019

341 night in the woods - slightly different chat with gregg's cousin

Dear Readers,

That was nice hanging out with mom! There wasn't anything else to do in church so I went out to see Bruce.

We talked a bit how it was getting cold. I said I liked autumn when it gets cold and he said he did too as it got real pretty out as well. I said I used to cry at autumn trees when I was a kid. He asked why and I said it was because they were so pretty. He said he did that when his daughter was born. I was surprised to hear about this daughter and asked about her. He made an ellipsis. I said I was sorry and he said it was fine.

I don't remember if I had this conversation before or not but I liked it, so I thought I'd talk about it again. I do know what Bruce decided to do at least and that was a nice thing.

Afterwards I walked past him to find Gregg's cousin Jen! She was just back for a while to pick up some stuff before going back to school. She then noticed I wasn't at school and asked what I was doing here. This time I said "Same as you. Just back for a day." She asked me what school I ended up going to and I said Durkillesburg. She said ah. I then asked her if she went to Bright Harbor and she said yeah. I asked her how it was and she said it was good. Expensive. But good.

After a brief pause I asked her about crossbow hunting and she still does it, but not so much when she's at school. She was shooting here until she noticed Bruce and she stopped.

She then asked if I still saw Gregg and I said just when I'm home. Sometimes. She said to tell that cousin of hers he needs to come see her out in Bright Harbor. I said I would!

That was it. Conversation's a little different when you don't hang out with Gregg! I wasn't as adamant in saying he was staying put here. Also, I don't think I ever mentioned her to him in the first playthrough where I hung out with him mainly.

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