Saturday 17 August 2019

337 night in the woods - talking to dad about the argument with mom

Dear Readers,

I thanked Angus, Gregg and Bea for coming to the ghost meeting! I was pretty pleased with our findings at the library!

It was all about Little Joe, a ghost miner who died in mysterious circumstances. I seemed a little too enthusiastic to Bea and she said she thought I was scared of this ghost. I told her I was terrified!

I listed out the three places we found where we could check out the ghost maybe. Everyone else had work so we split things up. Bea called the graveyard as it was close and not illegal. Gregg was a little too enthusiastic about an illegal one which was the Historical Society. We had no intention of taking the tour! Angus was left with Possum Jump but he was very pleased with it, as he used to go there in scouts. He did his cute smiling ear thing again!

Everything was perfect and I was scared to death, so it was all sorted out! We ended the meeting and went home. Except for Angus and Gregg, who were already home.

At home, dad mentioned the bit of a fight I had with mom yesterday. I said yeah. He said he thought we two were getting along? I said "We are" because I didn't want to say the other one. I said it was just a bump. He said we two were always too alike! I said I had his chill and her smart alec-ness. He said he'd just hate to see us two on the outs again. I said it'd be fine and we were cool.

Then I brought up the fact that we were having money problems. Dad said what? and no, we were fine. I said dad... and he said it was fine. I said it was ok as I was 20 and I could handle it. He said there was nothing to handle and I said ok. Then I said I might just head up to bed tonight as it had been a long couple of days. He thought it was a good idea and that was that.

Was dad just being a strong stoic supporter? Was mom being dramatic after all? I guess a dad would be like this in the face of adversity. I hope we can get through this money situation ok.

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