Wednesday 7 August 2019

327 night in the woods - more appreciation for the ghostly twist

Dear Readers,

After the play, Bea and Gregg went away and I witnessed the thing that turned this story into something very different.

This was my first time seeing THE GHOST in this playthrough and again it's a brilliant bit of cinematography with the camera panning slightly to show the weird bad stuff. I'll always remember this.

I gave chase as it stole the kid and fled up the hill into the woods. Then Aunt Molly showed up and took me home, despite my desperate attempts to explain to her what I just saw.

Then of course, there was that super creepy scene where I walked towards the well and it was all dark and red. Those sounds... Those horrible sounds! Of all the scary stuff I've seen in this game, this is the most hair-raisingly creepy scene. I know what it all means now but it still has that creepy effect. The sounds are very disturbing.

The title Part 3: The Long Fall came up.

Then it was me in my bed and there was the sudden tone shift, even in the morning music.

That huge black blob along with the huge dark figure of the ghost is the scariest doodle I made in my journal too.

In the morning I went online to a big thank you message from Bea, who realised she imposed in a big way. Gonna go see her today of course.

Gregg apologised (and Angus 2) for not hanging last night. Man, I would've loved for them all to have seen what I saw and for us to chase down that ghost together. Or at least, I know Mae would've loved that. The story is different though! I gave Sharkle a click before logging off.

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