Sunday 11 August 2019

331 night in the woods - checking in with others to see if they were ok after halloween

Dear Readers,

I went to the church area. Chatted a bit with mom about going to church and getting up on a Sunday, but I also went out to Pastor Kate and Bruce, who were standing out in the rain.

Bruce said he didn't feel right about taking something when folks don't want you to take it and Pastor Kate was saying how god was ok with it and stuff. I chatted with them when they were finished.

I told them I had this really bad dream last night. They talked about their pizza and goose dreams which weren't nice either. I didn't have a chance to talk about my dream. They talked a bit about the big meeting with the council about Bruce coming up.

No one else was out here in the rain thankfully.

After this I went to Angus and Gregg's part of town. Angus asked if I was up for band practice and I was but I also had a weird night that I'd tell him about later.

I stopped outside where Pastabilities used to be and wondered if someone was moving in. I was missing the pizza place.

Smelters fans were out here again because someone had to be out here. Game logic? :)

Newspaper guy and I had this exchange I loved from last time, where we were doing fake headlines to make fun of each other. :)

Poor Danny was working at the Clik Clak Diner now. But otherwise, alive and well.

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