Sunday 4 August 2019

324 night in the woods - all harfesty in towne centre

Dear Readers,

Things were looking very Harfesty in Towne Centre! I wanted to go home and get ready but decided to wander around a bit and take in the festive air!

Lori M was off the rooftops this time! She was sitting in that place where the kid got nabbed by the ghost on this very night. I'm glad she didn't stay here all the time... She planned to order a pizza all to herself and watch Dracula movies from the 60s. I said she had life way more figured out than I did at her age. She asked what I did back then and this time I said "Ruining my life". She said sorry to bring it up and I said it was fine, just a thing that happened. She said oh right the thing and I said that was my advice! To try not to have a thing! We said bye to each another then.

I wonder if that dialogue choice affects things? Hope not negatively!

There was no going into the Ol' Pickaxe or pretzel snatching. I reckon Bea was getting ready for that play and my babies had all left the nest!

I met someone wearing a pumpkin head costume in the tunnel. I asked where everyone was and a couple of other things. They just mumbled back in response. I asked them to go easy on my street and made some kind of deal with them. Dunno what it was though! It was like talking to Kenny from South Park :)

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