Wednesday 14 August 2019

334 night in the woods - chatting with angus about demontower!

Dear Readers,

Everyone was at band practice. I was glad because I could now tell them about what I saw last night.

First though, I talked to Angus about Demotower! He asked me about it and I said I beat it! He was like whoa really??? and I said yeah, that I killed that vampire dude! He asked if I got the good ending and I said maybe? and asked what the good ending was. He said the beast thing stops bleeding and at the end there's like another tower. I said yeah I got that one! I asked what even was that game about? There was blood everywhere and that big sad guy was bleeding and there was a vampire at the end? He said he didn't know. I was like huh. He asked what I thought of it all and I said "It was good!" He said awesome! I said it was hard but fun and that I liked the Dracula guy and the bird pope. He said nice. I said I liked the skeletons a lot and he said they were good. I said decent skeletons, would play again! He said if I was interested, there was a bunch of other games in the series. I said I'd be down for that. He told me to break my computer again and he'd put a new one on it :) I laughed and said I'd go visit every sketchy site out there. He said one sketchy site fiasco equals one Demontower. I said Angus? He said yeah? I then said he was a good guy. There was a pause and he made his ears do that cute thing again. I asked if he was gonna say something and he said he didn't know how to accept compliments! I said it was ok it was still true! He was like aw geez! and thanked me :)

Gregg told me about the roof door of their apartment building which unlocks that new area :)

We played Pumpkin Head Guy again and it was still a disaster. I'll have to sit down properly and play that song for practice if I want to get any good at it. Also, maybe use a different controller than the Nintendo Switch's Joy-Cons. It was pretty bad is what it was and it was like I literally do not know this song. We were all exhausted after it.

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