Saturday 31 August 2019

351 night in the woods - different experiences of god with pastor kate

Dear Readers,

I went to the church where mom asked me if I was still having headaches. I said yeah but being out and about helped.

She thanked me for visiting her as it brightens her day. I said it felt weird being here today as there was so much empty space. She said to come on Sunday as it was full then! I said I bet it was!

I then said sorry to her that she had to work because we were having money problems. She said she's always had a job and this was just another one. She's strong about it, like dad :) They're both very good to me.

I went in to sanctuary and the town council were having a meeting with Pastor Kate about Bruce and how it would affect things if he moved in here. Eventually something was said and she had to call the end to the meeting, thanking them for their time.

I then got talking with her and told her about how I think I met god. This time I said "I don't think it was a dream" and she was like wow. I said that happens right? and she said sure, and asked me to tell her about it. I said "It was like the shore" of this giant black ocean and I could see forever into the sky and how I met god who was sitting on a dune. She asked if they said anything and I said yeah, that "They were kind of a... jerk" and called them a swear word. I then said sorry for saying that and she laughed, saying she thinks the structure of the church could handle it  :) I said they were annoyed about people coming up to them asking of they were god and she concluded that maybe it wasn't god then if they said they weren't. I then said they were talking about "This giant hole" in the centre of everything that was growing. She said that sounded very lonely and asked if I had been feeling lonely lately? I said "No." this time. I mean, I had friends that I had been with every day since I got home.

I then said something about a deep loneliness and she was understanding about it, saying that if you opened up to god and stuff... and I said "I don't think I believe in god anymore". She said if I wanted the truth, she thought everyone didn't believe in god for at least a few minutes a day. I was like hm and she said faith was like a process.

The conversation continued in much the same way as it did last time with me asking what the point of her was and kinda yelling at her. I then said I had to go and I left.

Bruce asked me for a favour and it was about thanking Pastor Kate for all she did for him. I asked him "Are you... leaving?" and he said yep.

The conversation here continued in much the same way as last time as well, with him telling me he was going home. That bittersweet farewell...

I kinda wish he'd still be around to be like a lookout or something for weird goings on but he had to go. Bye again Bruce!

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