Tuesday 6 August 2019

326 night in the woods - more harfest fun, saying different lines at bea's pageant

Dear Readers,

Back to the mirror to get ready for Harfest! Time to get spooky!

Witchdaggah!!!! I got my costume on and I was all set to enjoy the festivities! No one else was at home when I called out before leaving.

The next section titled harfest came up. It was all about Towne Centre and the Smelters fans were here too! That's nice :)

I spun the wheel of destiny. I got a card which said I would know many troubles even until the end of my days. Same fortune as on my first playthrough. Shucks!

Water balloon toss next! This time I scored 15! I don't remember what I scored last time, or if there even was a score? Anyway, this was my score this time. I got them all at least once heh heh :)

I went into the Ol' Pickaxe then, where Bea begged me to be in the pageant she was holding and I agreed to totally save her butt.

When she told me it was rewritten to be spookier I said "Ok weird." She didn't say much different from last time.

When the play was underway my first line was "Ho! Travelers! Help an extremely old woman?" The audience didn't seem too impressed. I then said "I must have food to restore my youthful form, for once I was a comely lass." to which Bea made an ellipsis and the audience murmured in approval.

When the brothers dissed me I said "Thou art a rude and naughty boy," which made the worker do an ellipsis and the audience go huh? I then said thy naughtiness must be met with punishment! The brothers were scared and I said "Thy punishment is a task, terrible!" which made the audience even more confused. I continued, saying though shall return to thy town, dig up the oldest grave in the churchyard, and kiss them! The brothers were confused by my take on these events! Bea then said the witch was only joking around to frighten the travellers! And instead she cursed them to die that very night! I made a witchy laugh and said I was born among these trees 'neath a harvest moon and they shall die under that moon! The play went on as normal then with the curse and all until the end of that act, when the audience murmured in approval. Nice save by Bea there :)

The next act had Gregg meeting one of the ill-fated brothers and me. This time I said "I did curse this spring!" that any man who drinketh from it shall perish! The audience loved that line :) Danny and Gregg did their dramatic deaths and soon that was the end of that act.

The next act the brothers were ghosts and they walked off to the left with Bea, leaving me with centre stage. I struggled with lines and Bea helped with the word for. This time I said "For each man is determined on his path" and each path leads only to his end. Bea was like ok? and a voice from the right continued, saying and yet each path may lead to places unknown. It was the janitor from the bus station!

When the Janitor as god of the forest talked about banishing me I said "I... what?"

Then, when it came to be my line I said "Forest god, thou hast no power here!" this time. The audience giggled with glee at this. He talked about the world I knew ending and stuff and about the ghosts again before walking off to the left.

That was that! We gathered for the epilogue and wrap up. Here I said "Yee hee hee heeeee!!!" and said the myth of the wicked witch was the product of centuries of persecution by... before Bea interrupted, saying that was the end of the show! Another nice save :)

When she said to be careful when you leave as who knows what may lurk in the darkness, that line had a whole lotta truth in it as we'll see in the next scene! Yow! The audience cheered one last time and that was it.

It's a lot of fun doing different dialogue choices :) I may do a whole audience approval run sometime or a whole audience disapproval. For now I just like exploring all the different choices :)

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