Monday 26 August 2019

346 night in the woods - checking out the woods again with angus

Dear Readers,

I decided to go with Angus instead of Bea today. I'm prioritising Angus too like I did last time! Especially with all that Demontower work I did!

Angus and I pretended to have a podcast about ghosts where he didn't believe me and I was a crazy person. Adorable :)

"the park" came up as the next section. We looked at the sign about not feeding wildlife. I said "well, clearly" when we talked about it.

We started hiking up the hill and he had to stop to catch his breath as he had asthma. I asked him "Didn't you run cross country back in junior high?" and he said yeah, but he never finished a race. I asked him why he kept doing it and he said he had no idea. I asked about this thing we were standing next to and he said he thought it might be a lime kiln. I asked "Limes?" and he said limestone.

He told me about limestone being made up of sea creature skeletons so all this was underwater and I was like "no way". He said rocks didn't lie.

We walked on a bit before he had to stop again. I asked him "Why aren't there like ancient shark bones up here?" and he said he didn't know. He guessed there might've been, but not everything becomes a fossil. I asked him why and he said he didn't know, as he wasn't an expert on any of this. He said there were definitely ancient sharks around here though.

At the next stop I said I should know about this fossil stuff and that I wanted to sign up for the dinosaur class at school but couldn't because it was full and filled up fast. I said "Dinosaurs are like the most interesting animals" He brought up the thing about some of them having feathers and I said they were like big freaky chickens. After this we continued to the next screen.

We found the whirly note things! We read them out and there wasn't anything different this time.

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