Saturday 24 August 2019

344 night in the woods - meeting the violinist and the saxophonist in a different order

Dear Readers,

I went to Angus and Gregg's part of town to cover it. This was the day I met Donna's cousin.

I was talking to them a while before I figured out who they were. They were trying to improve the town and get things updated and stuff and stop it from falling apart. I didn't have any dialogue choices here.

The Smelters fans, one of them was asking the other about why they were feeling down the other day and they said to ask someone else. Aw :(

Newspaper guy talked about yam shortages for Thanksgiving and I expressed concern about yam riots.

This was my first day going up through Angus and Gregg's apartment building to go see Sadie the Saxophonist. I found the first of the pentagrams the 3 weird teens told me about! I doodled a little pentagram next to the head of the first weird teen in my journal. I found it to the left of the stage where a poster was usually. I saw this pentagram in the last playthrough too, except I didn't make a note of it since I didn't make the right dialogue choice with the weird teens. I wonder if collecting them will do anything...

I talked with Sadie and when she asked me what I was doing up here I said "I mean... do I need a reason?" and she said nope. Conversation continued. When she said this was the only stage in town I said "That's not true!" as we just did a play at the hardware store and used the counter as a stage. She then said ok, this was the only stage in town that was only a stage. The conversation continued much like it did last time, only this time I now had to go meet the violinist. What about the Party Barn?

I caught up with Saleem the Violinist. I told them about the other musician playing by themselves in the abandoned building by the Clik Clak. I said it was a big coincidence and they said it was a small town.

That was it really. After this I hung out with Germ.

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