Monday 12 August 2019

332 night in the woods - germ's weird bad time is neither less weird nor less bad

Dear Readers,

I went to see Germ who was in his usual place. Aunt Molly's car was here too.

He and I greeted each other and he said I smelled weird. I asked why was her car here and he made jokes about me being a half coppah! He said they were above doing something.

I asked him if he went to Harfest and he said no as he was over it. I said I had a weird bad time and he said that was guaranteed.

I asked about the people from yesterday and wondered if they ever met Casey. I said I hated the thought of him being out there by himself. Oh gosh what I know now :(

I asked Germ if he liked watching us play music and he said yeah though it wasn't his style. We shared music tastes for a bit until he got very quiet.

He then said a guy once followed him home. I said "What did you do?" because I still didn't want to choose the other option! He talked more about this dude following him and I was like "AAAGH..." picking the different option from last time. When he said he sat in the tree and the dude was waiting for him to come down I said "Oh my god." this time. The different choice didn't make a difference on Germ's telling of the story, and he finished and left just as abrupt as he did last time.

Weird how Germ just came out and told me about that stuff. He is weird but I desperately need friends like him right now with that figure appearing last night and everything. I need all the support I can get.

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