Tuesday 20 August 2019

340 night in the woods - hanging out with mom in jenny's field

Dear Readers,

I went to the church and mom asked if I was free to go on a quick adventure! I asked didn't she have a job and she said the pastor was gone so she was going to skip out. I said "Aw yeah!"

I said let's skip work! She said she was the one who was skipping work. I said hush and that I was an accessory to the crime! She said it wasn't a crime.

Wow! Hanging out with mom! New content! Glad I had that argument with her now :)

We stood at the top of a hill with electric power towers in the background. I said I didn't think I had ever been up here. She said we used to come here all the time, or at least I thought she meant us. When I prompted she said no, she meant we as in her friends and her when they were my age. I said I wasn't used to her using any other we's. She said believe it or not she had several we's! She walked a little past me and down the slope a bit.

I walked down a bit too, saying this was nice. She said there used to be a lot more trees up here. They were cut down when they put in the towers. I said I didn't remember that. She said all kinds of things happened before I was born! I was like what?!! and she said just some minor parts of history!

We walked down to flat land. I asked what this place was and she said it was Jenny's Field, and asked if I ever heard of it. I said no? I don't think I did? She said that back in the 30s there was this woman and her daughter walking here, and the woman's daughter was in front of her and then she was just gone. Disappeared.

I asked what happened and mom said it turned out there was a sinkhole that opened up when a pillar collapsed in the mines in the hill. I was like geez. She said yep and no one could see it because of the grass. The girl's name was Jenny and that's why this place was called Jenny's Field. They never found her. She just went *wwssssp!* and she was gone.

I then said wait... why were we here now? Mom asked if I wasn't up for a little risk taking. I made an ellipsis and she walked on past me.

I walked after her a bit and fell into a hole! It didn't swallow me up luckily but I was like agh! I fell into a sinkhole thing and she was like how about that... and continued walking.

Mom stopped before a big chimney that was sticking out of the ground. I asked what it was and she said for some reason before Unified pulled out, they brought this old lime furnace up on the mountain. I asked why and she said who knows, as they did a lot of things. It looked to me like it was here forever and she said it was just sunk into the ground a lot. I said it was like Jenny! and she said but slower.

Mom said she and her friends used to climb up there. I asked her if she wanted to try and she laughed, saying she had me and also a lot of birthdays and doughnuts since then! Not much climbing though!

I immediately started climbing, jumping on to ledges to get higher and higher. When I got to the top I said it was a good thing this chimney was sealed up here! Mom laughed and said yeah, it was a good thing. She asked me what I could see up there as it had been a while. I said "Possum Springs and most of the valley!"

Mom asked what it looked like and I said "A quilt?" She said well, it was a cosy valley. She remembered she couldn't tell if being up there made everything feel bigger or smaller and how that was a weird feeling. I said I knew that one.

Mom said she used to have a dream when she was my age, where she was in the big car park out by the tracks and she'd start running, but there was always more car park. I murmured and she asked what I thought it meant. I said I didn't know and it felt weird to tell her what her dreams meant. She asked why and I said it was because she was my mom. She made an ellipsis and then said fair.

I asked her why we came up here today. She said she was hoping I'd fall into a sinkhole, obviously! I said that didn't work out and she said drat! She then said she guess she'll just have to keep me then! After a brief pause I said I couldn't see what her expression was when she said that! She asked if I needed to and there was another brief pause before I said no.

After another brief pause, mom turned around to walk away and said she'd see me at home. I was like hey!

The scene then went back to me standing outside the church. I made a doodle of us in my journal! I made it under mom's main doodle. I drew the two of us hanging out in the field with the long grass all around. I drew the power towers and I also drew the remains of someone underground. Jenny probably.

This was a lovely hangout. Bit of lore too!

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