Monday 19 August 2019

339 night in the woods - unlocked areas, met liz again

Dear Readers,

The road works were cleared! I was able to explore the edge of town now.

I thought about farming and how I could farm if I stayed around long enough, but then I'd have to deal with all the poop to grow stuff.

I hadn't met Rabies yet so there wasn't much to do here.

I caught up with Selmers and told her she did a great job last night! She thanked me and offered to recite another poem! I said yes of course! It was a short one as we were both tired. It was just about being mad on the internet. Extremely relatable.

I met Liz on the roof of Bea's apartment building. She used to live here and used to be worried about that statue coming to life and climbing in her window. I said I lived in the attic so I was safe from anything like that.

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