Sunday 25 August 2019

345 night in the woods - my reacquaintance with the good trash king rabies

Dear Readers,

I hung out with Germ who took me to the bridge on his bike.

He said sorry I fell off and I said it was ok and that I felt alive. I said "I hit my head pretty hard" this time. He asked if I hurt my brain and I said naw, I had a thick skull. He said that was cool and took me to the bridge.

He asked me if I trusted him and I said "Never thought about it before". He just said ok bye and jumped off the bridge. He said it was fine and I jumped down after him, forgetting I had to press DOWN and JUMP.

He said he wanted to show me something and I said "Are you showing me the sewer?" and he said he thought I'd be interested. I went with him into the sewer pipe and met Rabies! he told me how they met and how he gave him the name Rabies, which was pretty much the best story ever :)

We talked about the drawings on the wall and he asked me what I thought they meant. I said "Rabies is Trash King" and he said it was a prophecy! I added that it was written by ancient hobos!

Rabies came back with a Fiasco bar and unwrapped it all by himself. We were both absolutely delighted with him!

Soon afterwards we went back to the Food Donkey. Not sure if the different dialogue choices here would affect things or not.

I did go back to the bridge to see if I could meet Rabies again but no, not today :)

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