Friday 23 August 2019

343 night in the woods - salvaging the other junk with mr salvi

Dear Readers,

I met Mr. Salvi in the tunnel! Gonna do some salvaging with him again!

I asked him what he was doing down here with all this and he asked me what I was doing home from school. This time I told him "You answer first!" and he just talked about his side hustle like last time. He asked if I wanted to come along and I said "Uh... sure!"

We got to the first island and I chose the garbage bed this time. I showed it to him and I was saying it was like a really bad boat paddle or a very useless shield for fighting. He said it was a snowshoe. Jeez. I called it just about everything else... I never saw one before and he said you needed two of them. I said I could hop and I could be snowhopper.

I was still really glum and horrified on hearing about the guy he knows who ran over his own foot with a lawnmower. :(

I did the little bat scaring mini-game for him too. He hated bats and disagreed with me about them being cute :)

We talked a bit about my dad and how they still talk sometimes.

On the next island I chose the coconut monkey instead of the Dracula teeth. I could get new ones at Ham Panther for a buck anyway. I showed Mr. Salvi the coconut monkey and he asked if it was still good. I said it was soft and it smelled like trash water but when he's all dried out he's gonna be a regular member of the family :) I asked Mr. Salvi if he wasn't gonna steal him for his shop or anything and he said no. He wasn't even tempted!

Later, Mr. Salvi was telling me about how he saved Longest Night. The bad guy got away but wasn't coming back anytime soon. I wonder if that bad guy was one of the cultists?

After another bat nest we reached another island, with a trolley this time. This time instead of taking the football helmet I took the hockey pennant. Mr Salvi identified it as such and said it was from the 70s or 80s. I said that was like medium old. I asked if we had a hockey team back then and he said we sure did! He said the ice arena used to be out by where Ham Panther was now. I was like geez, so much stuff used to be here. He said there were lots still here, but yeah, lots gone.

Next island was the big one, beyond the bats, beyond the grave too seemingly. Absolutely nobody went in this far and it had some more trolley remains. Here I took the lock and key instead of the horn this time. I figured I didn't want a horn playing ghost coming after me. Like the snowman with the trumpet in Lost Constellation? :)

I took the heavy lock and key to Mr Salvi. He asked what I was gonna do with it and I said I didn't know, just figured someone should have it. He said I was thoughtful.

I then said I felt like we were a thousand miles away from Possum Springs. He said yeah, but we weren't too far.

Next up was the platform. He stayed in the boat and I explored. I went to the far end of it and found some beer cans and a mattress and a spot where a fire was and a sock and... some weed. I said it looked like someone did some partying back here. Mr Salvi laughed, saying that must've been new. I said it was the teens and he laughed some more, saying there was nowhere you could go that the teens have not been already.

I was like, oh gosh, the mattress. I said whose idea was it to get high, drunk, and then boink all the way back here? He said it did seem a lot of trouble to go to. I said this was hilarious and he agreed it was very funny.

Then I looked at the mural and made my little observations on it before we left to go back. My sad little musings... Aw...

It was worth checking out that part to the left first! Didn't find that stuff last time and the mural musings triggered the end of this excursion before I could get there. Speaking of which, how did the teens or whoever it was get all the way back here? Did they get a boat or something? Did they have to deal with the bats? Was there another sneaky way in? Lots of questions.

We got back to the tunnel and I thanked Mr. Salvi, saying I could totally find junk and sell it to rich dorks as a job. He said that's the spirit! He's cool :)

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