Tuesday 27 August 2019

347 night in the woods - don't look at him again!

Dear Readers,

Angus and I finally got to Possum Jump but it was all dark now.

We talked about the graves here all from the Possum Massacre, recounting bits from history.

Then we reached the edge of the cliff and sat on a log... and waited. Then we got talking about stars. I asked him if he remembered the night we were all at the Longest Night bonfire. He said that wasn't a thing that happened. I played this since my first playthrough! It was the Longest Night supplemental game, the dream I had before deciding to escape college!

Then it turned to stargazing with Angus! I connected Rubello first and told him about the statue by the church. I asked him "Do you not know your saints at all?" and he said no, that none of his family were into it. He said his saints were all like astronauts and authors. I said that sounded really funny and he was like eh.

Next I connected the whale. Angus said it was said the whale was carrying stuff on its back and I said "Yeah" that it was a big responsibility to put on someone. He asked if the whale consented to this and I said I think it just always was that way. He asked who decided a whale would carry all this stuff and I said "They didn't know what the Earth was." and he said yeah but he didn't assume everything he didn't understand was a whale. I said he could start!

I connected the bell with an eye next. I said "I think the world ends when it rings" and he went on to talk about there being no sound in space. I said that sounded really scary for some reason. He said at least we weren't gonna get rung to death by a bell.

Next was a cat with arrows in its back while chasing a diamond. He asked if I remembered forest god stories and I said "Yeah! I told him my granddad used to tell me Adina stories.

Soon we got on to talk about his awful time he had growing up and how rotten his parents were to him. And how he got through it and met Gregg.

After our chat was the BIG moment, the don't-look-at-him moment! One the most electrifying parts of the game! I love it.

Angus tried to say something to the figure standing behind us but there was no response, which was a little hostile. I spoke up and yelled at the figure, telling it I knew what it did! It was time to run then and we dashed right past the ghost. We disappeared off to the right and the screen hung until the ghost zoomed in the same direction!

GOOSEBUMPS! Every friggin time! I've been watching YouTuber and streamer reactions to this scene and it's even more enjoyable! Especially Dodger of PressHeartToContinue and DexterityBonus on YouTube. The way you just GASP when you see the guy!

Anyway, we got back to the car and Angus got me home safely. He didn't believe it was a ghost though.

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