Sunday 31 May 2020

17 donut county - texting the trash king for help

Dear Readers,

The balloon came down underground and Potter was relieved to see Pup was safe. Pup went RUFF!! I told him to get out, as I needed the hot air balloon.

I said I was going up to save us. Mira said no way dude. She wouldn't let me go alone, saying I'd just run away. She insisted on coming with me. Possum said he was too, in case we needed to hack into the mainframe.

Mira said no and I agreed. I told him to just stay here.

Coco asked if we were just leaving with no plan? I said we were going to talk to the leader of the raccoons, Trash King. I said we were going to do a boss fight and kick his butt. Mira said I always screw up the boss fight and I had to follow her lead this time.

Coco suggested maybe try talking to the Trash King first? Mira said we'd try and Coco wished us luck. Mira thanked him.

Mira and I rose out of the hole in the hot air balloon. There were holes all over town. It was all zoomed out and street lights were starting to come on to greet the evening. The evening made the whole town glow a beautiful red. There were holes and some buildings left. There was also that RACCOON sign up in the mountains. The music was mainly chimey. The view was really pretty.

Mira was like wow... eerie. She said it didn't feel that different up here. It was like we got replaced... by raccoons. She stared at me.

I said I already said I was sorry and she didn't have to rub it in. It was all my fault and I felt bad, but I couldn't undo what I did.

Mira gave me a tip. She said I was feeling guilty and she didn't blame me for everything raccoons did. I asked her if she still wanted to be friends. She said she did, but if I wanted to be friends with her I was not to make my guilt her problem. Also, I was to wash her car. Also, I was to give her dog a bath. I said deal.

I pointed out Raccoon HQ on the old observatory hill. Mira said it looked like a big garbage can. I said I know... cool, right? She said she guessed it made sense that Trash King lived there. She said let's go for it.

The scene shifted to the HQ. She said it smelled awful. She asked me if we used like... reverse air fresheners. I took a deep breath *SNIIIFFFF* and said it was home sweet home! She lol'd and said I should call the Trash King now and try to convince him to help us fix everything.

I said I couldn't call him as it would be extremely awkward. She said to text him then. I said fine... and brought up the texting screen.

I said hey TK and added a few honks. He replied, asking who it was as he had a new phone. I said it was BK and that I worked for him. I said I was wondering if it was possible to undo some of the holes and give people their trash back. He wrote something but didn't reply. I said ok nevermind no problem!

Mira asked what he was saying. I said it didn't work and that maybe he was mad at me... 

She said dang and said you know what would be fun? I said opening up a hole and wrecking this place? she said LOL YEP! Let's do it! I laughed and said one hole, coming up... I deployed the hole, which appeared below, in front of the building. There was a raccoon here, using a grappling hook to hammer at one of the windows? Strange. I swallowed up their tools.

Then I said there was nothing else we could do but at least we tried. Suddenly, Possum appeared behind me and said he could help! Mira scolded him for not staying with everyone. He said he read between the lines and that he could help us hack into the HQ's security system. We could sneak a hole inside that way.

I asked Possum how we could hack in and he said to plug this thing in. Mira said we could use the Catapult. I said here goes nothing... I swallowed up the thing and shot it out at the security camera. Then this hacking screen came up and the scene shifted to inside Raccoon HQ.

Inside was a room where a raccoon was sitting on a toilet. I deployed a hole here. I swallowed up the cup and the toilet roll, before taking the hole out into the hallway! Wow! Different area exploration!

Out in the hallway were doors to Biology and Anthropology labs. There was an overhead tube where trash was flowing along inside it. I took the hole into the main hall. There was a statue of a raccoon here along with some rubbish and a desk and a door leading to security and a big door that was locked. I swallowed up the rubbish and went in to security.

In security was a sleeping raccoon and some other stuff. I swallowed them up and shot them out at a shelf, which knocked some other stuff down. I got a red key card.

I backtracked and opened the biology lab with the red key card before going inside.

Seems like a good place to stop for now! Some twists and turns on level structures and the story! Things are getting interesting :) Also, I'm glad Mira still wanted to be friends.

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