Wednesday 30 September 2020

91 ace attorney 6 - the sons of dhurke!

Dear Readers,

Datz told me more about the photograph of the man and his two sons. The man was Dhurke and the boy on the left was Nahyuta! That explains that little exchange they had in court where he called him "Yuty"! Nahyuta used to be a rebel as well and respected his father, but became a prosecutor because of the DC Act and the culture it created. Datz said he wanted to spark a revolution from the inside, so he dove right into the enemy's den.

Really? I said I never would've guessed it, looking at Nahyuta now. Datz said I could say that again! Dhurke was battling to change the legal system and the will of the dragon spurred him on. They thought Nahyuta would take up the mantle, but it looks like he changed, using the law to do the queen's bidding. It seemed like Nahyuta didn't carry the will of the dragon anymore. I wondered what happened between his father and him.

I asked about the Apollo-looking son (come on it's him haha) and Datz said he was Dhurke's adopted son, but he went back overseas. He said his name was Apollo! It was then I noticed the bracelet and everything! Datz said he could shake a room with his voice. I thought to myself that his description wasn't really doing Apollo... justice. Nice joke they put in there!

Apollo has come a long way indeed. I didn't mention him at all though.

After this, Datz said he had to get a move on and start packing, even though I hadn't examined the room fully with him yet... I asked him to wait and tell me what they were trying to do as rebels?

He paused for a moment. I took this chance to look around the room more. Dhurke's old business sign was against the wall. I said I hoped he could put it back up again someday and Datz said not to hold my breath. I admired the coat, which was Dhurke's. Datz encouraged me to try it on so I did and it wasn't a good idea as it was hanging there forever!

There was also a ladder in a hole in the floor. It looked really small from here... Not sure how he brought me in through that.

I hung around to ask him more about what they were doing as rebels.

Tuesday 29 September 2020

90 ace attorney 6 - datz tells me about dhurke

Dear Readers,

Everything really went black when I lost consciousness in the manhole. When I came to I found myself in a strange room. It had furniture and seemed like someone was living here, but everything was dark and dingy. 

A figure appeared before me, saying I had finally come to and I recognised him immediately from the wanted poster. He pulled out a huge knife, which made me yelp, and he started peeling an apple with it.

He said sorry for getting rough with me but he thought I was the cops. He offered an apple as he gobbled them just like he was gobbling the stick lizards before. He had different features from the hairy guy from before but he had the same clothes and same mannerisms, with the smiles and thumbs ups and everything! It was indeed him!

He said this was the office of his brother in arms, Dhurke! They were using it as a rebel safe house. I asked what kind of office it was exactly and he said it was a law office! Dhurke used to be a lawyer! It adds up! It adds up!

He said he wouldn't be coming around here anymore as he wanted to get out of the rebel business. He was tired of being hounded and everything. He said he was stopping to pick up his stuff and he was gonna sell Dhurke's info to the minister of justice and leave the country!

I said he couldn't leave as I needed him for the case! He said I could ask him whatever but wouldn't know if he'd be much help.

Gotta admit his jolly smile and thumbs up are very entertaining, even though he's a sketchy character.

I asked him for everything he knew about the murder. he said he didn't remember much after hitting his head. I asked him why he testified otherwise and he said he was afraid he'd seem suspicious, so he came up with the story. He said he was sorry as he pointed and laughed at me.

I asked him about Dhurke's time as a lawyer and he said Dhurke had a dragon's glare, which made criminals confess and pass out and prosecutors become terrified. Most importantly, he never gave up on the accused, no matter how the odds were stacked against him, drawing comparison to how I was in court.

He seemed to have a great love for food, making do with the lizards and apples and all that appetising looking stuff on the table!

Dhurke's law book was here and it had his branding on it. Looks like he did a lot of research on the DC Act.

I observed the picture of the queen with the knife stuck in it, but didn't dare ask about it.

I observed the photograph. It was an old one with a man and two boys. Datz said it was Dhurke and his two sons. He didn't seem particularly evil at all. Also, his sons were familiar... very familiar! Left one looked like Nahyuta and the right one looked like Apollo!


Monday 28 September 2020

89 ace attorney 6 - chasing the escaped prisoner

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I rushed to the bazaar on hearing that the police were chasing the escaped prisoner through there. I stopped to catch my breath and to deal with my back pain when Ahlbi arrived. I told him what was going on. Rayfa came up to us, puffing and panting as well. I told her it wasn't safe with that guy running around the place and she put on a brave face.

I examined a manhole that was open and Shah'do started barking. I was able to get the escapee's scent with the weird new flag and Shah'do reacted. Ahlbi had no idea that he could pick up scents like that and allowed me to take him down the manhole. 

I told Rayfa I was going down the manhole and that she should stay as it could be dangerous. She told me to wait. I promised I wouldn't do any lawyerly misdeeds. She wasn't worried about that. I asked if she was worried about me. She said she was simply wondering why I would go to such lengths to chase after a dangerous insurgent in my investigation. I said I had faith in Maya's innocence and that lawyers were supposed to believe in their clients to the bitter end. She called me a lamebrain and that I could do what I willed. 

That was that. I went down after Shah'do but it was pitch dark down there. Suddenly with a *WHAM!* I lost consciousness...

Sunday 27 September 2020

88 ace attorney 6 - the secret of names

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I returned to the high priest's home since I was now to collect Maya's book. Beh'leeb wasn't here.

Rayfa said she was watching me like a hawk, or more accurately, a warbaa'd. I said I was only collecting something for Maya. She asked what was the strange symbol on Maya's bag and I told her about the Steel Samurai. She noticed the similarity between that and the Plumed Punisher and she was genuinely intrigued. I wondered who the big fan was that Maya met.

I found the Tome of Secrets in Maya's bag and something slipped, revealing the book to Rayfa. She knew what it was and yelled at me to put it away, saying we would go blind as punishment!

I asked Rayfa if she would tell me about the Tome of Secrets. She consulted her "pocket internet" and obliged, telling me about the importance of Lady Kee'ra's name and the importance of a name in general when the queen uses her secret art. I pretended not to know what Maya told me. Rayfa was more than willing to tell me, saying I had no chance of learning this big secret art, the spirit channelling technique.

Rayfa told me about souls that came back from death, that they had no concept of time passing since they died. She said souls were brought back to be learned from and to help counsel other countries, which was why their country had never been invaded and how they were able to keep their unique culture. This is food for thought. Could be good in helping to keep ones own culture alive.

She also mentioned immigrants coming in and trying to seek salvation in their culture. Some of dubious nataure that were driven from their lands. I thought Gaspen Payne definitely fit that bill! However, they treated him extremely well over here and let him do a lot.

I asked her if she could channel spirits and she said she had much she had to learn. Her limit was the Divination Séance. I was thinking that Maya was better than her and she could see this written all over my face and got mad at me again! I asked her to forgive my ignorance. She aspired to master spirit channelling, just like Maya.

Rayfa guessed right when she said I was about to suggest that maybe the queen was channelling Lady Kee'ra. She said her mother was at the palace, doing her duties and it wouldn't be a thing she'd do anyway, going around battling the insurgents by herself.

It was time to leave and check other leads but we could hear voices outside. Rayfa asked her pocket internet and we learned it was the cops chasing the escaped prisoner, Datz, through town! We rushed to the bazaar!

Saturday 26 September 2020

87 ace attorney 6 - maya puts rayfa in her place

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I returned to the detention centre to see Maya. She seemed really tired and I apologised to her for being unable to defend her in that trial. She said I should withdraw from this new case and maybe they would commute my sentence. I said not to worry, that maybe this extra day was a blessing from the Holy Mother and maybe we could use it to our advantage and turn everything inside-out and upside-down!

Rayfa was quiet and I commented on it. She said she would give us time to talk before we were executed. I told her we weren't giving up until the bitter end. She told me not to worry about Maya, that her soul would be cleansed. I wondered if she was trying to comfort me. She told me to stop my struggle.

Maya interrupted, asking Rayfa why she was always like that and that I was only doing what lawyers were supposed to do. Rayfa said lawyers weren't needed when she had the Séance and Maya told her flat out that her Insights were wrong.

Ouch. Rayfa looked really upset at this.

Maya continued, saying errors were bound to happen if Rayfa's Insights were accepted without question. She then asked Rayfa what was her true duty as the royal priestess and if the victims' souls or the Holy Mother wanted her to judge people in error. Rayfa was furious and told us to struggle all we wanted.

I could see right through her. I knew she didn't really want to be like this and it was just the way she was raised.

I wasn't really able to get many answers from Maya. She had no memory of the rite since she got sleepy and she didn't know Puhray Zeh'lot that well either since he was so quiet. She was sad about this. I said not to worry because as soon as this was over we'd be able to go home, try Eldoon's Noodles or her favourite burger place! She perked up, saying she'd go for best of both worlds!

Just when I was about to go, she suddenly remembered something and whispered to me that she left something super important at the high priest's house. The text bipping got quiet while we whispered, which was a nice touch!

She asked me to get it and hold on to it for her. I said I would. She said it was a folding book in her bag called the Tome of Secrets, given to the priestess who performs the rite. She revealed that Lady Kee'ra's real name was in it but to keep that a secret!

Rayfa didn't hear. Good. Time to get the book!

Friday 25 September 2020

86 ace attorney 6 - talking about gingihl

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I visited the high priest's house again and Beh'leeb was here. Rayfa scolded me for questioning the grieving widow again, but I needed answers.

I asked her if she really thought Maya was the killer and she said she didn't know, but she was found guilty, so what else could she have believed? I said the truth was yet to be found because I believed with all my faith that Maya was innocent. She found my faith moving and decided to tell me what she could. She even took her husband's form again and said if my faith wasn't true that he would curse me and my disciples for the next eight generations. Yikes!

I asked her more about Puhray Zeh'lot. She said her husband found him collapsed on the ground and brought him home.

I was able to examine the surroundings with a different context this time. I observed the family photo which had the high priest, his wife, Acolyte Zeh'lot and Maya in it. Rayfa called it suspicious but I stood firm and said it further proves Maya's innocence. I asked Beh'leeb about it and she said it was taken during the Feast of Blessings. She mentioned Gingihl, which I heard you could go three days without sleeping after eating some. It's eaten before the purification rite because there's a period where it's forbidden to eat. She said that it had to be eaten at a specific time as well, so that the smell would dissipate in time for the rite. I took the specifics of this ritual as her statement.

That was all I had to go on here. She wouldn't respond to anything else, not even the flower that's used in situations like this. I decided to visit Maya.

Thursday 24 September 2020

85 ace attorney 6 - ema introduces rayfa to forensics

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I went to the new murder scene at the Plaza of Devotion. The outline of Acolyte Puhray Zeh'lot was here along with flowers. There was something different about the flags. The police had already been here. Ema was still here though!

Ema greeted me and got a fright when she saw the princess. She asked Ema if she was displeased to see her and she said of course not! Ema said she was sorry about what was happening to Maya and offered to help. Rayfa watched us closely.

I asked Ema for an overview of what happened. The victim here died during prayer as seen in the crime photo she gave me and he had the dagger sticking out the top of his back below the neck, which looked really gruesome and painful. He was still in the prayer position. I noticed the peach tattoo on his neck.

Ema said the estimated time of death was sometime between the start of the rite and the discovery of the high priest's body. They believed it took place during the rite and the murder weapon was the same dagger that killed the high priest. The prosecution believed Maya killed him after she came back from the rite. The death was instant.

Rayfa asked how the time of death could be determined and Ema was pleased with her apparent interest, which she denied haughtily, saying it would be wise to know what silly things the common folk were interested in. Ema tutted there was nothing silly about it, saying Nahyuta held it in high regard. Rayfa seemed impressed but insisted the Séances were better.

Ema said Rayfa didn't have an adorable bone in her body and I said I believed she really was interested and asked Ema to explain it to her. Ema told her about the drop in body temperature. Rayfa seemed really interested and playfully took my temperature, saying I wasn't dead yet!

I asked about witnesses but since everyone was bent over in prayer, there weren't any. I asked about the murder weapon and yes, Maya's fingerprints were indeed on it, Ema was sad to say. I asked about a motive, insisting that Maya didn't have any. Ema said that since Zeh'lot was a disciple of the high priest, found to be a rebel, it was likely that he was a rebel as well. Ema agreed with me on a personal level, but that was the opinion the police had.

I examined the scene a bit. The flowers that were here were called nahmanda, given to express sorrow when a life is lost.

The last thing we saw was this new flag, seemingly uninteresting but was added to the court record anyway. It had some short message about bringing grub and a key. May have some dramatic context later!

Ema asked me if I had any hope of winning. I said I couldn't say at this point and I had to keep investigating. Rayfa was ready to report her for dereliction of duty, treating her with the same punitive manner that they treat everyone with in this kingdom. Ema wished me luck before leaving.

I didn't have any particular place in mind to go next, but I had to cover everything, so off we went.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

84 ace attorney 6 - princess rayfa continues to watch me

Dear Readers,

Back at Tehm'pul Temple, I wondered what to do now. The scene of the judge declaring Maya and me guilty played back in my head until Ahlbi came up to me, saying he saw the whole trial. 

The body that was found was Acolyte Zeh'lot and it looked like the two murders were connected. I thought maybe if I could get to the bottom of this one I'd be able to overturn our verdict on the last one. Ahlbi offered to help and I would definitely need help since I was still a foreigner here.

Princess Rayfa appeared. She was very quiet and sad looking. I told her I thought she'd be glad to see me found guilty. She said she was unhappy because she wasn't able to defeat me herself.

I told her I was going to defend Maya again and she asked me why I kept being so stubborn. She said I must've engaged in some kind of foul play when she wasn't looking and vowed to watch my every move again. She told Ahlbi not to throw his lot in with me. I told him it was okay to stay behind and asked him to store some of my evidence for me. He was happy to help.

It was time to investigate, so we went to the scene of the new crime, the Plaza of Devotion.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

83 ace attorney 6 - nahyuta promises an even worse punishment

Dear Readers,

I think one of my favourite pieces of music in the series is the suspicious/tense music. I don't know what it's called right now but it's in every entry... I think. I'm not sure of that but it is here and it's always effective.

The bailiff had another dramatic thing to report about the body and dagger that were just found: Maya's fingerprints were found on it! What's going on?

Nahyuta concluded from this that the rebel hunter disguised as Lady Kee'ra must've been Maya herself! He pointed out that the sightings of this figure started two years ago, which was about the time Maya arrived in the kingdom. He also brought up the letter that was found in the high priest's house, saying Maya had free run of the place to prepare for the rite. All of this put together would establish a motive as well.

Now that this second person was dead and Nahyuta was now calling Maya a serial killer, the judge called for an investigation of this and suspended todays proceedings. I still had my head in my hands, processing the lunacy of a new murder charge on top of a guilty verdict. Investigation started on the new murder. I was allowed to live for another day!

Monday 21 September 2020

82 ace attorney 6 - strung along by nahyuta again!

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta had my arm bound and strangled in his beads as he explained the situation. He said the Lady Kee'ra we saw in the Séance was actually the warbaa'd statue draped in her sacred robes! I was shocked!

He continued, saying Maya wanted the false Lady Kee'ra to appear in the Séance vision, with the ultimate goal of fooling the court. He said I fell for it completely.

Not only that, but he said he knew this all along! He was just waiting for me to fall for it! What an absolute slimeball!

He then insisted the trial was over and the judge was agreeing with him. I begged and pleaded but ultimately, the judge brought down his gavel and declared Maya and me guilty!

I laid my head in my hands...

Just then, the bailiff interrupted and said a body had been found in the Plaza of Devotion and it had Lady Kee'ra's Warbaa'd Dagger sticking out of it! Dun dun dunnnn!

Sunday 20 September 2020

81 ace attorney 6 - anonymous escape plan

Dear Readers,

I didn't realise it until now, but all was clear. I revealed A'non Ihmus' true identity to be... Datz Are'bal from the wanted poster! He admitted it too!

However, Nahyuta teased me about an earlier point I was trying to make, about the rebel hunter who now turned out to be a rebel, which really made me hate him.

Datz, with his regained memory and shed fake identity of Ihmus, dramatically introduced himself as the fangs of the Defiant Dragons. He admitted parachuting to the outside of the curtain and hitting his head and to his entire eyewitness testimony being a big fat lie.

Datz then said long time no see to Nahyuta, calling him Yuty. They knew each other eh? Hmmm... Datz was gonna be arrested, but he escaped from the courtroom.

The judge lamented on the witness being a huge waste of time but Nahyuta disagreed, saying Datz dropped a scrap of paper, seemingly from Dhurke. I piped up and said I had seen it before, bringing up the bloodstained letter. The scrap matched with it perfectly.

The judge asked me to read it but I couldn't read Khura'inese, so he asked Nahyuta. Nahyuta said that Datz was ordered to use the lamplights as a landmark and parachute down to the Inner Sanctum and when the rite was completed, he was to put on Lady Kee'ra's robes and escape.

I then thought to myself that if I could assume that Datz was the one who killed the high priest, then maybe that was because the high priest tried to stop him from escaping? Nahyuta, as if he could read my mind, told me this notion was ludicrous. He said that Datz was not the killer because his disguise plan couldn't have worked without the high priest being alive. It would be suspicious if he killed him.

Everybody now realised that the high priest was a rebel.

Nahyuta told me to give up. I said why should I? I insisted we couldn't end the trial without looking into the third party and, with a dramatic throw, he bound my pointing arm with his beads! He maintained that it was Maya!

Saturday 19 September 2020

80 ace attorney 6 - a'nohn ihmus is no longer anonymous

Dear Readers,

I cornered Ihmus with the possibility of parachuting into the Inner Sanctum by pointing out the sewn flags. This caused Nahyuta to bang his table and Ihmus to admit he remembered being there.

Ihmus then said he used the flags as not a parachute, but a paraglider. I argued with him but the judge intervened and said more testimony was needed, since we now knew Ihmus was at the scene.

Ihmus then testified that he used his paraglider, made an emergency landing and banged his head, causing his memory loss. Another bad story. Nahyuta even called him out on it, saying he never mentioned as much during pre-trial questioning and if he continued like this he would be cast into the Hell of Hangnails. Sounds gruesome!

In my cross-examination, I pressed him on the point of the accident that forced him to make an emergency landing. He said it was gale winds, so I raised an "Objection!" with the weather forecast in the newspaper.

The judge demanded to know how Ihmus got into the Inner Sanctum. I argued and actually had to point out the super obvious fact that he came in from Royal Penitentiary No. 4 on top of the mountain and with a parachute. With this I demanded that Ihmus tell me right now if  he was the third party at the Inner Sanctum, the one warning the high priest and the one we saw in the high priest's final memory and if he was the one disguised as Lady Kee'ra?

Ihmus was freaked out with my confrontation and asked Nahyuta for help. Nahyuta was quiet for a moment before telling him to be quiet, calling him a fool and that he'd be going to a place far worse than Hangnail Hell. Nahyuta then conceded this point to me. He was very calm in saying this and then brought up the riddle of A'nohn Ihmus' true identity.

I was asked to identify who this guy really was and I brought up the wanted poster, which caused the next dramatic development...

Friday 18 September 2020

79 ace attorney 6 - about the whole mountain

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta asked Ihmus to testify about not being at the Inner Sanctum. I did some pressing and raised the possibility of him dropping down in there from the sky, like with a parachute. Ihmus laughed and pointed and Nahyuta shook his head. He showed me a photograph of the whole mountain while talking about the improbability of my theory.

I said wait, what was this building on top of the mountain? Nahyuta told me it was Royal Penitentiary No. 4. I asked how they got prisoners up there and he said by helicopter, but only with authorisation from the minister of justice, who was the only one who could approve flights that pass over the Inner Sanctum.

Hmmm! Some very interesting bits of information!

Nahyuta also said there wasn't any parachuting paraphernalia found at the scene.

Or was there? Haha!

On the amended point, I raised a music-stopping "Objection!" with the sewn together flags we found. Things are getting good now!

Thursday 17 September 2020

78 ace attorney 6 - weird hairy guy's weird hairy lies

Dear Readers,

A'nohn Ihmus was clearly lying when he said he saw Maya killing the high priest from another mountain and I was able to raise an "Objection!" to this with the curtain on the point about the binoculars. It took a few tries get this pinpoint correct though! Also, pressing him was entertaining.

The judge confronted him about the curtain blocking his view and he immediately admitted he didn't actually see the accused herself, so he went on to explain.

He made a short amended testimony, saying he saw the shadows of the accused and the high priest, made by the full moon cast onto the ritual curtain.

It was pretty ridiculous, but I pressed him on these points anyway. I couldn't nail him with anything it seemed, which was dumb, given how stupid his testimony was, and ended up having to consult Maya. I reloaded my save and raised an "Objection!" on his statement about the full moon, using the Rites Guide.

The full moon was directly above the area, so he couldn't have seen any of its shadows. He insisted he did see shadows and then I said if that was the case, then he must've been somewhere else. The only place he could've been was the Inner Sanctum. Of course, he wasn't allowed, and I raised the possibility that he could've been this third party I had been trying to establish.

Nahyuta objected, and asked from where could Ihmus have gotten to the Inner Sanctum? Ihmus joined in and said he wasn't there. I then asked him about these silhouettes he insisted he saw and he then said he was starting to think he was imagining things! The crowd was on his side too! This was ridiculous!

Maya rooted for me in response to the crowd, but they murmured angrily. Yeesh.

Wednesday 16 September 2020

77 ace attorney 6 - the weird hairy guy returns

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta brought forth his eyewitness and it was the weird hairy guy!

He was anonymous to me up until now but he dramatically revealed his name to be A'nohn Ihmus TBD! What a name! Nahyuta said he suffered an accident that gave him amnesia, so he named him A'nohn Ihmus (TBD) in his report. Ihmus didn't remember his own life, but he remembered the event of the murder. The judge allowed it since there was so little information.

Ihmus testified that he witnessed Maya stabbing the high priest from Mt. Poniponi, the mountain next to it, with his binoculars. He went there to pray in peace. The judge asked him how could he see it so clearly and he answered that it was a really clear sky and said to check the weather report in the newspaper we had, which did indeed talk about clear skies.

Ihmus had a goofy way about him, but since he said something so obviously wrong, it had to be a front.

Nahyuta asked him about how the killer was holding the blade and he said it was in a reverse grip. I asked Nahyuta what that had to do with anything and he told me I was going to be a witless sea urchin in my next life, with barbs limited to my butt. Yeesh.

Nahyuta went on to infer with the current facts that Maya could've held the blade in that position so she could wrap her arm around the high priest and stab him that way. I was stunned and the judge laughed, saying this would be consistent with Rayfa's Insights too.

Another tight situation! I had to move on and cross-examine Ihmus.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

76 ace attorney 6 - everything wrong with rayfa's insights

Dear Readers,

As I poked at the Insights and the Séance became clearer, I was trying to establish where Maya and the high priest were standing, but when I found that the lantern from the start of the vision was different from the lantern at the end, it overturned my own case.

Maya and Abbot Inmee's positions could be determined by the broken lantern. Now I could clearly see that Maya was standing between the outer lanterns. The judge commented on my credibility when I changed my case, but of course I was still working with Rayfa's faulty Insights and blurry Séance before!

I asserted that the high priest turned around while he was reading the scripture, which was why we couldn't see him turn around.

Nahyuta objected and Rayfa wasn't impressed either. I pointed out a huge error and said it was wrong about the number of people there. They were blown away along with the judge. Rayfa actually fainted with despair at the idea of being wrong yet again with her insights.

Nahyuta said he would take over from here and Rayfa sadly agreed, walking away. He prosecuted cases without a Séance before and now he had the help of Ema's talent in forensics with him.

The judge asked me for evidence on this possible third party. I still didn't have a motive, but I was able to present Lady Kee'ras letter and to some degree assert that it was them, the one disguised as her. Everyone was taken aback, including the judge, wondering why, as this figure was a hunter of rebels.

I said this was an excellent question and raised the possibility of the high priest himself being a rebel. Everyone was outraged, the judge calling it blasphemy and Nahyuta objected strongly, slamming his beads on his stand. He didn't change his stance one bit on the matter, saying it was Maya who killed the high priest.

I said the priest was stabbed in the abdomen, so how could she have done it if he had his back turned toward her?

Nahyuta objected again, and with confidence, saying he had an actual eyewitness prepared!

Monday 14 September 2020

75 ace attorney 6 - where were they standing?

Dear Readers,

I was able to prove, by pointing out the spring pool, that the assumed positions of Maya and the high priest were incorrect.

The judge asked Maya if she was standing in the spring, but she didn't remember. The crowd was in an uproar until Rayfa jumped in with a "That's enough!"

Rayfa said their positions didn't erase the crime, curious as they may be. She revised her Insight, while I wondered if the positions really were a significant point or not.

After the revision, I found another contradiction. It was with the revised Insight about the poolside lantern. In the Séance, the lantern was broken and the actual broken lantern wasn't by the poolside! At first I pointed out the flames and the word WIND, but I had to point out the actual lantern part itself.

At this, Rayfa smiled and cleared up the vision to reveal that there was no wind guard at all on the lantern. She said they were removed for the rite of fire and Nahyuta then said the police put them back on before we investigated. Dang it!

They were being tricky and smug for sure, but I was determined to find another contradiction. I decided to look for sensations that stood in contradiction to the arrangement.

The lantern on the right while the high priest was bowing was clearly different to the one after, so I pointed that out, but what did it mean?

Sunday 13 September 2020

74 ace attorney 6 - new sensations, new contradictions

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa gave her Insights on the Séance she performed that showed the high priest's final moments.

I gave Maya a sort of tutorial as to how I was able to find contradictions last time. I couldn't fault the vision or emotions, but I could find fault with interpretations. I decided to go through with this refresher tutorial.

Now I had to see where the statements contradicted the Séance. I pointed out the footsteps and said the sound of them didn't get louder, even though the smell of incense got stronger.

Rayfa was cornered with this question but Nahyuta jumped in to save her, suggesting she refine her sensation of the event. So she can alter somewhat her actual Séance to get a clearer image? That's a new one on me...

The footsteps in the image changed to bells. The high priest wore bells on his ankles, so these sounds were his! I then asserted that it was the victim who approached the figure!

Rayfa was angered and insulted that I would theorise like this against her and Nahyuta jumped in again to save her, saying that the victim was still killed by the accused. All Rayfa had to do was revise her Insight to match this so the contradiction would disappear.

Contradictions may disappear, but the truth will appear if I keep going! I needed to focus on some other sensation that may have changed during this Séance revision.

A new one came up alright, water. Must be the water from the pool. The pool wasn't near the broken lantern, so I raised an "Objection!" on that statement. I was right and once again, Rayfa took a dramatic wind blow when another contradiction was found in her Insights.

On the right track!

Saturday 12 September 2020

73 ace attorney 6 - witnessing rayfa's second séance

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa was showed in to the court to conduct her Séance and provide her Insights.

The crowd chanted with voice acting and it was the first time I heard the pronunciation for Khura'in. It sounds like "khoo-ra-een" with a little pause where the apostrophe is.

Rayfa carried out her Divination Séance with voice acting. She has a very womanly voice for her age. After her ritual dance, the pool showed the final memories of the high priest before he was murdered.

In the memory, Maya was there in prayer pose. He was doing the same and looking over some kind of scripture I suppose. He looked over to a lantern where the word WIND came up and then looked back to where Maya was, but now stood someone dressed like Lady Kee'ra. He got a fright before the figure came right at him. Then there was PAIN, then that was the end. It looked pretty awful and incriminating too.

Nahyuta and Rayfa said Maya must've donned the disguise before killing the high priest. Rayfa asked if I was still going to object and when I said of course, the judge called lawyers "pohlkunan" creatures and was soon joined by the crowd calling me a pohlkunan. I asked what that was and Maya said it was someone who was a real piece of work.

After all that, it was time for Rayfa's Insights.

Friday 11 September 2020

72 ace attorney 6 - phoenix versus nahyuta!

Dear Readers,

It was the day of Maya's trial. We were in the accused's lobby and she seemed down. I doubled down on my promise to defend her and Princess Rayfa appeared, saying I would do well to cease this insanity while I still could. I said I was good at finding the truth and she said it would be my last trial.

I cheered Maya up by saying she still had to introduce The Plumed Punisher when we get home. She was happy with this and said she would be by my side helping me.

Court was now in session. I told the judge I was ready and Nahyuta said nothing, staying absorbed in deep prayer. I wondered aloud and the judge scolded me, already angry at me before things started!

The judge wondered why Maya was by my side and I said it was because she was also my assistant. The judge allowed it. He was surprised to see me still here and in another case. I said this was what lawyers did.

Nahyuta finally spoke, saying it was foolish and that he'd send me to hell. I said I wasn't surprised, considering what Apollo told me about him. He said Apollo would face the fires too and I would be company for him. I told him it wouldn't be that easy. 

Nahyuta went ahead and outlined the situation, how the high priest was killed by the accused and the murder weapon wasn't found. He said Maya would be cast into the lowest level of hell, the Hell of Tickling.

We responded by saying she didn't kill anyone, had no memory of this and no motive. Nahyuta objected, telling us the Séance and Rayfa's Insights will reveal the truth.

Since I didn't have the whole truth, I was hoping for something revealed in the Séance...

Thursday 10 September 2020

71 ace attorney 6 - wrapping up investigation for the day

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I headed back to Tehm'puhl Temple where Ahlbi greeted us and asked if we were finished our investigation for today. I said pretty much and invited him to go over with me what we learned so far.

I brought up the letter and wondered why Lady Kee'ra would want to stop the rite. It would help establish a motive, but I didn't have enough information on this lead yet.

Rayfa smiled at my complete lack of evidence and offered me one last chance to pull out before I got charged under the DC Act. She at least acknowledged that I didn't tamper with any evidence.

I told her I would still prove Maya's innocence within the confines of the law. She asked me how I could be so sure and I said it was because of my undying faith in my clients, which I said was a lawyer's greatest weapon.

She thought for a moment before she harrumphed. She said her insights this time will be the very truth itself. Before leaving, she said tomorrow shall end with me under the headsman's axe.

I thought of her Séances and the fact that I was the only hope in this country for Maya as well as for lawyers. I made a determined anime-like vow to myself that I will do this!

Wednesday 9 September 2020

70 ace attorney 6 - about maya's secret

Dear Readers,

I went back to see Maya at the detention centre. She was okay after more questioning and asked how I got on. I said I didn't have any conclusive evidence that could prove her innocence, but I had a small lead. I wanted to ask her about the high priest.

Princess Rayfa was here too, still following me around. Maya asked if she had anything better to do and she barked back. Unfortunately, she overheard me when I asked Maya about the possibility of the high priest being a rebel. She was so offended she stormed out. Thank goodness.

I asked Maya if the high priest ever acted suspiciously. She said he seemed unusually restless during the rite and kept glancing up at the sky. That's about it really, unfortunately.

I then took the chance to ask her why she wanted to keep her spirit channelling a secret. She said only the queen can perform it in Khura'inism. The technique was brought to the U.S. via Japan and it seemed her spiritual power was greater than that of the average Khura'inese. She didn't know exactly how it happened. This seemed to mean that the queen's family and Maya's family were distant relatives. She said there wasn't a rule against it but she didn't want it to become an issue so she hid the fact that she can channel spirits, just like other spirit mediums when they come here. It was complicated enough, but training here was a must to fulfill the qualification needed to become the master, to be able to channel spirits of one's own volition and without fail every time. She was confident she could do it, but she was yet to take the final master test.

I then brought up the Steel Samurai knockoff show. Maya knew all about the Plumed Punisher! Rayfa came back and said everyone here knows about it. Maya had something to show both of us and she whipped out an ultra-rare Plumed Punisher strap, only one of which existed in the whole world! Rayfa was astonished. I asked her if she was a fan of the show and she blushed angrily, telling me she didn't and that only kids watched it.

I asked Maya how she got the strap and she said she met a fan here and did an exchange of cultures transcending national borders, meaning merchandise. She swapped her Steel Samurai watch for the strap. The watch was super rare and plays the Steel Samurai theme song when the alarm goes off. Her new friend was so happy, they traded the one-of-a-kind strap in return. She demonstrated the theme that plays when you press the magatama on the Plumed Punisher's belt.

I said it sounded just like the Steel Samurai's theme and Maya was quick to point out the differences between both. Then she brought up her idea for a show: "The Plumed Punisher vs. The Steel Samurai"! She said she was gonna pitch it to some TV stations when she gets back home. I asked Rayfa for her thoughts and she said she had no interest in such things.

I was glad at least that talking about The Plumed Punisher seemed to help cheer Maya up a bit. I told her to get some sleep and to leave tomorrow to me. She thanked me and left.

Rayfa said I had visited Maya a number of times already and that maybe I was smuggling tools or filing at the visitor room bars with my barbed head! I asked her how, as I was being watched by her all the time! She laughed and said she was just having some fun. Wow...

I brought up the strap which made her mad and she admitted she wanted it so badly she had many postcards sent in for it. She's not too difficult to read after all. Haha.

I'm getting some enjoyment out of these interactions with Rayfa at long last!

Tuesday 8 September 2020

69 ace attorney 6 - a nice meeting with princess rayfa's parents

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa took Beh'leeb and me to the Ga'ran Palace in order to carry out a rite for the high priest.

A dramatic anime scene showed the throne room/hall with Queen Ga'ran welcoming us. That guy was here too, the dodgy justice minister.

I kind of overdid it with my introduction to the queen. It was fine and she was most gracious, taking Beh'leeb and Rayfa with her to the Chamber of Prayer.

When they left, the dodgy Inga came up to me, chomping on his cigar, saying he didn't see how the Prayer of Lament would do any good.

He didn't seem to recognise me so I reminded him of our meeting after the case the other day. He knew me now, saying I was the guy who brought his daughter down a peg or two. He's Rayfa's father? He's the queen's husband?

He asked if I was sticking my fat nose in this mess too. I said the accused was a good friend of mine. He said I better watch myself, like he said before.

I asked if he minded answering some questions I had. He laughed and said I had balls, for a lawyer, saying he could play along for a bit. He said we would have to talk while he worked.

I like showing my attorney's badge to new people but he had absolutely no time for it, asking if I wanted a spot on his execution list. Yikes.

I wanted to let him know I was going to be the defence lawyer on this case, too. He revealed his cigar to be a stamp, and stamped forms held up by an assistant as he spoke back to me. He said not to say he didn't warn me and that I only won last time because the idiotic prosecutor filed false charges. That's how it normally goes in these games!

He then said it was gonna be different this time because he had Khura'in's top prosecutor on this case. I said I didn't care and I was going to prove Maya's innocence. He reminded me of the Defense Culpability Act.

I asked him if he was the one who wrote the act. He laughed and said maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but he was gonna enforce it either way against anyone who crossed him or the Ga'ran Administration, especially any rebel scum. It made his job real easy.

I asked if he could really do that and he said he was king, and goaded me to say what I thought so he could charge me with lese-majesty. Yeeks...

He then said that they had a low crime rate and a populace that lived in peace thanks to the DC Act, so he didn't want to hear any more lip about it. I said I had to speak my mind in order to defend my client.

He then mentioned Dhurke and his gang, saying their days were numbered even without the DC Act, saying he had a little trick up his sleeve, so I had better watch it. He said I had a defiant attitute, like one of their dragon dupes gang.

Inga then started stamping more forms in front of me, asking me if I knew what they were. I said I didn't and he said they were orders of execution. He said this without taking his eyes off of me or even glancing at the forms.

He said he was gonna have more work processing Maya's one and then my one if I was stupid enough to defend her.

As he left ,I thought to myself, not to let him worry as I was not going to give him any more work to do.

When he left, Rayfa came back. Beh'leeb was speaking with her mother. I asked her about the rite and she said it was done flawlessly. She then brought up that I was speaking with her father. She said he was a great man and that Khura'in wouldn't be what it was today if it weren't for her parents. She didn't know what he was really like it seems.

Now that we were done here, it was time to go see Maya again.

Monday 7 September 2020

68 ace attorney 6 - return of the psyche-locks!

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I were still at the high priest's house, still looking around, still hoping to talk more with Beh'leeb Inmee.

I asked Rayfa what the scary-looking spiky thing was on the floor. She said it was a floor cushion and called me ignorant. She's gotta be pranking me... I'm not sitting on it!

In the bin I found an envelope that had the same three row holes that the letter had. I asked Rayfa for help with it and she gave out to me for not only rooting in other people's rubbish, but also not knowing how to read. I guess I should've studied the language, but I was willing to put up with her giving out for now.

Lady Beh'leeb was now willing to speak to us. She even imitated her husband by holding his portrait in front of her face and called herself a lovely wife this way. Hehe. Aw!

I asked her if she had any idea why her husband was killed? If anybody had a grudge against him? She said he wouldn't do anything that would cause someone to bear a grudge against him.

When she said that, the screen went dark, chains drew across and all around her and three Psyche-Locks appeared! Just like old times! I still had the magatama that Maya gave me all those years ago and it let me know when someone was hiding something from me by making these locks appear. I don't remember Ace Attorney 5 fully, but the chains look cool in 3D.

With a "Take that!" I tried to find what she was hiding. I said I believed I knew there was someone who had a reason to kill her husband. I had three choices:
  • The escaped prisoner
  • Lady Kee'ra
  • The rebel Dhurke
I wasn't sure which to pick so I explored the options. She kept saying it was Maya but it wasn't. I brought up the escaped prisoner and Dhurke, but she said Maya would've been slain as well. Whoever it was wanted to stop the purification rite, so it was the one assuming the Lady Kee'ra disguise in the newspapers.

When I chose that, Beh'leeb held up her husband's portrait to her face and switched the picture to one of him looking with a dark-eyed expression. She said she didn't know who I was talking about and I brought up the recent newspaper reports. She then switched the picture to a laughing face of him, saying why would this person want to kill him.

Some pretty interesting expressions gong on here! I presented the letter that Maya found, and this broke one of the locks.

She then claimed Maya may have been lying and that she never saw that letter before and her husband didn't either. With this I was able to present the envelope with the matching holes. This broke the second lock. Then I had to point out the actual holes. I then presented the Warbaa'd Arrow found outside, saying its three prongs made the holes when it was delivered on its points. This broke the final lock and loosened the chains. Woo!

She said the letter was delivered to her husband but he wasn't an insurgent, and the authorities might've suspected him of being one if she hadn't kept the letter a secret. This Lady Kee'ra vigilante sought out insurgents after all. I wondered if the priest may have been a rebel, but I decided not to ask that for now.

I asked Beh'leeb about the warning. She said it arrived three days before the rite and it was there by the side of their bed when they woke up that morning, even though they had the house locked up tight. They feared telling the police in case they suspected him of being a rebel.

Just then, Rayfa told me that was enough. I thanked and apologised to Beh'leeb for talking to her about these things at such a difficult time and she said not to be silly and that she was glad to help. She then, behind her husband's portrait said may Rayfa shine light upon the truth.

Rayfa said I seemed bent on casting suspicion upon Lady Kee'ra just to deflect blame from Maya. I had no answer for this, but I wanted to see if my secret theory about the priest being a rebel was correct, so I thought about going to see Maya again since she knew him.

Just then Rayfa's pocket internet/attendant told her something. I asked did something happen and she said her mother decreed that a rite shall be held for the high priest's passing and she would also conduct the Prayer of Lament therein. Beh'leeb was humbled but Rayfa insisted on bringing her to the palace at once.

She also insisted on bringing ME, saying I had to remain within her sight at all times. I decided to just go with it, thinking it would be worse if I argued with her.

Sunday 6 September 2020

67 ace attorney 6 - house of the beh'leeber

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I went to the high priest's house. This was where I was taken when I passed out. The high priest's wife was indeed here. Her name was Beh'leeb, so her full name was Beh'leeb Inmee or "believe in me" hehe!

Rayfa sympathised with her loss. She was grateful and held and spoke with her husband's funeral picture, giving it a kiss now and again. She said she didn't have the ability to speak with the dead or anything but could feel his presence. I was introduced to her and she understood that I was Maya's friend.

Beh'leeb did indeed just suffer a terrible loss and I couldn't get the answers I desperately needed right away, so I just had a look around the house.

The first thing I examined was the CRT TV, which switched on and played some kind of knock off of the Steel Samurai show. Rayfa said it was "The Plumed Punisher: Warrior of Neo Twilight Realm." Wow. She said it was an entirely original show created here. I wasn't sure about that, especially considering the theme sounded like The Steel Samurai's. The game even brought that up for comparison! I brought it up and Rayfa barked that their show originated here. Haha that was pretty amusing!

The mountain range poster was pretty nice, showing the Inner Sanctum and Mt Poniponi.

I looked at the board game I'd never seen before and Rayfa said it was called Kachu'demahl, which made me laugh. "Catch them all" is it? Apparently it's some kind of chess they have here, but more severe of course.

There was a wanted poster on the table of someone named Datz Are'bal ("that's horrible" maybe?) and he was an escaped prisoner. A sizeable reward was mentioned too. Rayfa thought about lowering this sum, since it came out of people's taxes. At least she's learning about being kind and considerate I suppose.

Saturday 5 September 2020

66 ace attorney 6 - asking ahlbi about lady kee'ra

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I went to the bazaar. She was consulting her pocket internet. Ahlbi was here and came up to me, asking about Maya. He said he believed she was innocent and Rayfa was not impressed. He was shocked. He then shocked her when he, with all due respect and humility, said that I was a very trustworthy man and he trusted me as a lawyer.

Rayfa was deeply affected by this and by her failure in the trial and she sunk to the ground. I told Ahlbi to give her some breathing room and she'd be better soon. I've never seen her this way. In the meantime, I was able to ask Ahlbi a few things.

I asked Ahlbi about the rebel hunter in the newspaper. He said people were overjoyed at her appearance and it gave them hope, especially with the escaped prisoner lately. I asked him about that and he said it was Dhurke's right-hand man. I then remembered Rayfa speaking about the prison at the apex of the mountain and asked Ahlbi how he broke out of a place like there? Ahlbi said no one knew and he even did it without any tools. He was also rumoured to have fallen to his death. Ahlbi hoped that's what happened, so that nothing bad like the terrible incident would happen again. I asked about this terrible incident and he said it took place before he was born, but Queen Amara -- the previous queen -- was assassinated by the rebel leader Dhurke.

He then showed me something Shah'do found. Rayfa jumped in and said it was the Warbaa'd Arrow. I asked her if she was okay and she had no time now to feel sorry for herself, as she was the crown princess. She asked to see the arrow and identified it as something like one of the legendary weapons Lady Kee'ra once used in battle. It was a three-pronged arrow and Ahlbi said Shah'do found it near the victim's home.

With all that done, I had a poke around the bazaar. It was no time to shop for souvenirs but I bought some fruit & veg for Ahlbi. There was even a warbaa'd here! Nice to see one up close!

I thought it was time to see the high priest's wife, so I asked Ahlbi to bring me back to their house.

Friday 4 September 2020

65 ace attorney 6 - what maya saw

Dear Readers,

Just like old times, I went to see Maya at the detention centre. Princess Rayfa with with me of course.

Maya seemed really tired. She didn't do it, but no one would believe her. I told her I was going to defend her and that we could do this if we worked together. Rayfa demanded she confess, and Maya and I continued to call her "Your Benevolence", trying to calm her down. 

Maya said the high priest treated her really well, so she wouldn't dream of doing such a horrible thing to him. She said she couldn't completely deny the charge, which made Rayfa excited. I told her again to calm down as I was trying to find the truth.

There's a language mistake here! Phoenix says "So, what do mean" instead of "So, what do you mean" so it's definitely a mistake. Still, not bad going.

Maya explained that she got really sleepy during the rite and wasn't sure if she got possessed by some crazed spirit, which made Rayfa say how dare she pin her crime on another person's soul. I wanted to explain that Maya could indeed channel spirits, but Maya stopped me with a whisper, saying she wanted to keep it a secret while she was here. I asked her why and she said she'd explain later, but to keep it a secret for now.

Maya then wanted to say something that she found strange, and that was the pool of water being blood red, even before the high priest was killed. She talked about the ancient legend where Lady Kee'ra returns, which makes the pool water turn red. Rayfa said maybe her eyes were deceived by the lanterns.

After that, Maybe had another thing to show me. It was a letter in Khura'inese that she found when she came to. The stamp on the left part of the letter was Lady Kee'ras mark. Rayfa demanded to see it and was shocked upon reading it. Maya read it aloud, saying "Do not perform the rite. I know what you are planning. --Lady Kee'ra"

It was some kind of threat or warning. Someone pretending to be Lady Kee'ra was pressuring the high priest to stop the rite. I asked Maya she didn't really think that Lady Kee'ra returned and possessed the sacred robe? She said of course not, telling me not to be silly. She thought it was a fun idea yesterday, but not now since the murder happened and that historical figures don't just come back. She said her days of dreaming were over, and mine should too and that we should both keep it real.

She then said she was sorry and that she outgrew that stepladder argument we always had. NOOOO! Say it isn't so!

Maya then said she thought this Lady Kee'ra was the one in the papers who was going around capturing rebels. Rayfa called her a nincompoop and said it was a patriot or vigilante that loved their country. She asked what they would want with a letter like that and I didn't know, but maybe they did have a compelling reason. Rayfa said Maya must've fabricated the letter. I asked her if she showed it to the police and she said she didn't, worrying that it would anger them, just like it made Rayfa just now.

I then noticed there were these three holes in a row on the letter. Looks like they match up when you fold them too.

The guard then told Maya to wrap it up. She then dropped a bombshell, saying she didn't need a lawyer this time. She was only thinking of the Defense Culpability Act they had here. I told her we would be fine and that I had been through a case here already. She was happy with this and then she left.

Rayfa said bravado wouldn't save me the next day. I told her we were going to beat this charge. She said she didn't like that "Phoenix Freedom Express" line I gave to Maya.

I still didn't have a motive for this murder but everything pointed to the rebel hunter disguised as Lady Kee'ra being the real prime suspect.

I needed more information on Lady Kee'ra. I needed to go somewhere and mingle with the locals.

Thursday 3 September 2020

64 ace attorney 6 - the weird hairy dude

Dear Readers,

I returned to the Plaza of Devotion, this time with the Princess Rayfa following me around.

The people were still praying here. Rayfa said the religious devotion of their people was the pride of their kingdom. They would be here praying until tomorrow afternoon. I thought this was pretty cool.

I looked around for Ema but someone else showed up. It was a man with lots of hair. He asked me if I knew him. I had no idea who it was. He reached for something which made me flinch as I thought it was a weapon, but instead he pulled out all these lizard-on-a-stick snacks and gobbled them one right after the other. He acted really weird. He seemed like someone with memory loss, but was likely just someone who was eccentric.

He went away and Ema finally showed up. She said Nahyuta gave the ok for me to investigate the crime scene straight away. Just when I thought he was being fair-minded and decent, Ema said that he thought I would just give up and move on when I saw the crime scene. Sounds like him alright...

I wasn't gonna give up though, of course, so Ema gave me some luminol testing fluid and the crime scene photo.

Ema said Maya was finished with questioning, so I could go see her. Ema had to go herself, calling His Ephemeral Holiness a slave driver, referring to Nahyuta. This made her munch on Snackoos before she had to leave, cursing her bad luck with prosecutors. Rayfa took offence to this, calling her ungrateful when she left.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

63 ace attorney 6 - investigating the mountain crime scene

Dear Readers,

Now to investigate the scene of the crime with my new partner, Princess Rayfa.

There was a statue here covered in blood. Rayfa said it was warbaa'd, the bird on which Lady Kee'ra based her appearance.

There was a body outline and Lady Kee'ra's robe was here too, smelling of incense.

There were four lanterns here. Rayfa said they've been burning for centuries.

There was a bloodstained note here on the far left. It was in Kura'inese. There was a message here obscured by blood. Rayfa read it out and recognised the stamp belonging to the Defiant Dragons.

I observed the huge wall painting of Lady Kee'ra. She had the symbol of death on her brow. Rayfa told me the high priest had markings of a monk and she herself had markings of a royal priestess.

Rayfa said if I wished to know any more about Lady Kee'ra, I only needed to ask. This was probably the friendliest I've seen her so far. I would definitely need to know more for the case.

I had a look at the ritual curtain which closed up this area during the ritual and murder. It opened up and made me yelp at the sheer height of this place. We also observed these ritual flags that were sewn together.

I was careful to observe the lantern that was damaged. I knew Rayfa would ask me if I damaged it. The surrounding area had snow cleared as well. I took a photo of it with my touring camera.

I stood up on a rock that had fallen here. I was able to see the surrounding mountains and it was an incredible, dizzying view. Rayfa told me to get down this instant!

I looked at the bird from the side and noticed its eye was missing. Rayfa accused me again of foul play. I thought no wonder the lawyers left this place, with the way they were treated.

I asked Rayfa to tell me more about Lady Kee'ra. She said she was the Holy Mother's younger sister and was very skilled with a dagger against their enemies. The big enemy now was the Defiant Dragons, led by the insurgent Dhurke.

I then asked about the rebel hunter of recent times dressed like Lady Kee'ra. She said she heard about her but didn't know the truth yet, believing her to be some kind of vigilante or patriot.

So this is Rayfa as a partner. She can help with local stuff but she's incredibly bothersome and scolds and accuses me at every turn. The conflict will be entertaining, but she will be a handful.

Tuesday 1 September 2020

62 ace attorney 6 - tsundere investigation partner!

Dear Readers,

After Maya was taken away and chatting with Ema, I went to the Inner Sanctum on my own as no one else wanted to go there. It was really high up the mountain and really, really cold. No one was usually allowed here, but there was someone standing here. It was a familiar figure. It was Princess Rayfa. I called her Your Benevolence and she continued calling me Barbed Head.

I asked her what she was doing here and she was here to pray for the high priest's soul. She threw the question right back at me and she was still sore about the trial the other day.

The weird thing about the text while chatting with her is that it was slower than usual. There must be some intense 3D graphical stuff in this scene, or else it's the cold or dizzying height.

I told her I had to investigate the scene, and the police gave me permission as well. She wasn't the most supportive and with her malicious smile she said she had an idea. She said she would oversee my every move so as to prevent any misdeeds.

Oh boy... she's going to be my investigation partner? When she said this, some new music played. I guess it's her theme. She even said "not that I want to" like a big fat tsundere. 

She also blushed when I said maybe she didn't know much about this place and she got very angry. She was able to summon an assistant out of nowhere, like some kind of pocket internet.

I learned that Acolyte Zeh'lot's full name was Acolyte Puhray Zeh'lot. Haha so the pun is that he "prays a lot"!

Sounds like she's going to be tough work. It'll be a different kind of humour that I have with Maya or Ahlbi or Athena, but it should still be fun, even though I'll be called "Barbed Head" all the time.