Monday 14 September 2020

75 ace attorney 6 - where were they standing?

Dear Readers,

I was able to prove, by pointing out the spring pool, that the assumed positions of Maya and the high priest were incorrect.

The judge asked Maya if she was standing in the spring, but she didn't remember. The crowd was in an uproar until Rayfa jumped in with a "That's enough!"

Rayfa said their positions didn't erase the crime, curious as they may be. She revised her Insight, while I wondered if the positions really were a significant point or not.

After the revision, I found another contradiction. It was with the revised Insight about the poolside lantern. In the Séance, the lantern was broken and the actual broken lantern wasn't by the poolside! At first I pointed out the flames and the word WIND, but I had to point out the actual lantern part itself.

At this, Rayfa smiled and cleared up the vision to reveal that there was no wind guard at all on the lantern. She said they were removed for the rite of fire and Nahyuta then said the police put them back on before we investigated. Dang it!

They were being tricky and smug for sure, but I was determined to find another contradiction. I decided to look for sensations that stood in contradiction to the arrangement.

The lantern on the right while the high priest was bowing was clearly different to the one after, so I pointed that out, but what did it mean?

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