Tuesday 29 September 2020

90 ace attorney 6 - datz tells me about dhurke

Dear Readers,

Everything really went black when I lost consciousness in the manhole. When I came to I found myself in a strange room. It had furniture and seemed like someone was living here, but everything was dark and dingy. 

A figure appeared before me, saying I had finally come to and I recognised him immediately from the wanted poster. He pulled out a huge knife, which made me yelp, and he started peeling an apple with it.

He said sorry for getting rough with me but he thought I was the cops. He offered an apple as he gobbled them just like he was gobbling the stick lizards before. He had different features from the hairy guy from before but he had the same clothes and same mannerisms, with the smiles and thumbs ups and everything! It was indeed him!

He said this was the office of his brother in arms, Dhurke! They were using it as a rebel safe house. I asked what kind of office it was exactly and he said it was a law office! Dhurke used to be a lawyer! It adds up! It adds up!

He said he wouldn't be coming around here anymore as he wanted to get out of the rebel business. He was tired of being hounded and everything. He said he was stopping to pick up his stuff and he was gonna sell Dhurke's info to the minister of justice and leave the country!

I said he couldn't leave as I needed him for the case! He said I could ask him whatever but wouldn't know if he'd be much help.

Gotta admit his jolly smile and thumbs up are very entertaining, even though he's a sketchy character.

I asked him for everything he knew about the murder. he said he didn't remember much after hitting his head. I asked him why he testified otherwise and he said he was afraid he'd seem suspicious, so he came up with the story. He said he was sorry as he pointed and laughed at me.

I asked him about Dhurke's time as a lawyer and he said Dhurke had a dragon's glare, which made criminals confess and pass out and prosecutors become terrified. Most importantly, he never gave up on the accused, no matter how the odds were stacked against him, drawing comparison to how I was in court.

He seemed to have a great love for food, making do with the lizards and apples and all that appetising looking stuff on the table!

Dhurke's law book was here and it had his branding on it. Looks like he did a lot of research on the DC Act.

I observed the picture of the queen with the knife stuck in it, but didn't dare ask about it.

I observed the photograph. It was an old one with a man and two boys. Datz said it was Dhurke and his two sons. He didn't seem particularly evil at all. Also, his sons were familiar... very familiar! Left one looked like Nahyuta and the right one looked like Apollo!


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