Saturday 12 September 2020

73 ace attorney 6 - witnessing rayfa's second séance

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa was showed in to the court to conduct her Séance and provide her Insights.

The crowd chanted with voice acting and it was the first time I heard the pronunciation for Khura'in. It sounds like "khoo-ra-een" with a little pause where the apostrophe is.

Rayfa carried out her Divination Séance with voice acting. She has a very womanly voice for her age. After her ritual dance, the pool showed the final memories of the high priest before he was murdered.

In the memory, Maya was there in prayer pose. He was doing the same and looking over some kind of scripture I suppose. He looked over to a lantern where the word WIND came up and then looked back to where Maya was, but now stood someone dressed like Lady Kee'ra. He got a fright before the figure came right at him. Then there was PAIN, then that was the end. It looked pretty awful and incriminating too.

Nahyuta and Rayfa said Maya must've donned the disguise before killing the high priest. Rayfa asked if I was still going to object and when I said of course, the judge called lawyers "pohlkunan" creatures and was soon joined by the crowd calling me a pohlkunan. I asked what that was and Maya said it was someone who was a real piece of work.

After all that, it was time for Rayfa's Insights.

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