Sunday 13 September 2020

74 ace attorney 6 - new sensations, new contradictions

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa gave her Insights on the Séance she performed that showed the high priest's final moments.

I gave Maya a sort of tutorial as to how I was able to find contradictions last time. I couldn't fault the vision or emotions, but I could find fault with interpretations. I decided to go through with this refresher tutorial.

Now I had to see where the statements contradicted the Séance. I pointed out the footsteps and said the sound of them didn't get louder, even though the smell of incense got stronger.

Rayfa was cornered with this question but Nahyuta jumped in to save her, suggesting she refine her sensation of the event. So she can alter somewhat her actual Séance to get a clearer image? That's a new one on me...

The footsteps in the image changed to bells. The high priest wore bells on his ankles, so these sounds were his! I then asserted that it was the victim who approached the figure!

Rayfa was angered and insulted that I would theorise like this against her and Nahyuta jumped in again to save her, saying that the victim was still killed by the accused. All Rayfa had to do was revise her Insight to match this so the contradiction would disappear.

Contradictions may disappear, but the truth will appear if I keep going! I needed to focus on some other sensation that may have changed during this Séance revision.

A new one came up alright, water. Must be the water from the pool. The pool wasn't near the broken lantern, so I raised an "Objection!" on that statement. I was right and once again, Rayfa took a dramatic wind blow when another contradiction was found in her Insights.

On the right track!

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