Friday 18 September 2020

79 ace attorney 6 - about the whole mountain

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta asked Ihmus to testify about not being at the Inner Sanctum. I did some pressing and raised the possibility of him dropping down in there from the sky, like with a parachute. Ihmus laughed and pointed and Nahyuta shook his head. He showed me a photograph of the whole mountain while talking about the improbability of my theory.

I said wait, what was this building on top of the mountain? Nahyuta told me it was Royal Penitentiary No. 4. I asked how they got prisoners up there and he said by helicopter, but only with authorisation from the minister of justice, who was the only one who could approve flights that pass over the Inner Sanctum.

Hmmm! Some very interesting bits of information!

Nahyuta also said there wasn't any parachuting paraphernalia found at the scene.

Or was there? Haha!

On the amended point, I raised a music-stopping "Objection!" with the sewn together flags we found. Things are getting good now!

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