Friday 4 September 2020

65 ace attorney 6 - what maya saw

Dear Readers,

Just like old times, I went to see Maya at the detention centre. Princess Rayfa with with me of course.

Maya seemed really tired. She didn't do it, but no one would believe her. I told her I was going to defend her and that we could do this if we worked together. Rayfa demanded she confess, and Maya and I continued to call her "Your Benevolence", trying to calm her down. 

Maya said the high priest treated her really well, so she wouldn't dream of doing such a horrible thing to him. She said she couldn't completely deny the charge, which made Rayfa excited. I told her again to calm down as I was trying to find the truth.

There's a language mistake here! Phoenix says "So, what do mean" instead of "So, what do you mean" so it's definitely a mistake. Still, not bad going.

Maya explained that she got really sleepy during the rite and wasn't sure if she got possessed by some crazed spirit, which made Rayfa say how dare she pin her crime on another person's soul. I wanted to explain that Maya could indeed channel spirits, but Maya stopped me with a whisper, saying she wanted to keep it a secret while she was here. I asked her why and she said she'd explain later, but to keep it a secret for now.

Maya then wanted to say something that she found strange, and that was the pool of water being blood red, even before the high priest was killed. She talked about the ancient legend where Lady Kee'ra returns, which makes the pool water turn red. Rayfa said maybe her eyes were deceived by the lanterns.

After that, Maybe had another thing to show me. It was a letter in Khura'inese that she found when she came to. The stamp on the left part of the letter was Lady Kee'ras mark. Rayfa demanded to see it and was shocked upon reading it. Maya read it aloud, saying "Do not perform the rite. I know what you are planning. --Lady Kee'ra"

It was some kind of threat or warning. Someone pretending to be Lady Kee'ra was pressuring the high priest to stop the rite. I asked Maya she didn't really think that Lady Kee'ra returned and possessed the sacred robe? She said of course not, telling me not to be silly. She thought it was a fun idea yesterday, but not now since the murder happened and that historical figures don't just come back. She said her days of dreaming were over, and mine should too and that we should both keep it real.

She then said she was sorry and that she outgrew that stepladder argument we always had. NOOOO! Say it isn't so!

Maya then said she thought this Lady Kee'ra was the one in the papers who was going around capturing rebels. Rayfa called her a nincompoop and said it was a patriot or vigilante that loved their country. She asked what they would want with a letter like that and I didn't know, but maybe they did have a compelling reason. Rayfa said Maya must've fabricated the letter. I asked her if she showed it to the police and she said she didn't, worrying that it would anger them, just like it made Rayfa just now.

I then noticed there were these three holes in a row on the letter. Looks like they match up when you fold them too.

The guard then told Maya to wrap it up. She then dropped a bombshell, saying she didn't need a lawyer this time. She was only thinking of the Defense Culpability Act they had here. I told her we would be fine and that I had been through a case here already. She was happy with this and then she left.

Rayfa said bravado wouldn't save me the next day. I told her we were going to beat this charge. She said she didn't like that "Phoenix Freedom Express" line I gave to Maya.

I still didn't have a motive for this murder but everything pointed to the rebel hunter disguised as Lady Kee'ra being the real prime suspect.

I needed more information on Lady Kee'ra. I needed to go somewhere and mingle with the locals.

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