Sunday 20 September 2020

81 ace attorney 6 - anonymous escape plan

Dear Readers,

I didn't realise it until now, but all was clear. I revealed A'non Ihmus' true identity to be... Datz Are'bal from the wanted poster! He admitted it too!

However, Nahyuta teased me about an earlier point I was trying to make, about the rebel hunter who now turned out to be a rebel, which really made me hate him.

Datz, with his regained memory and shed fake identity of Ihmus, dramatically introduced himself as the fangs of the Defiant Dragons. He admitted parachuting to the outside of the curtain and hitting his head and to his entire eyewitness testimony being a big fat lie.

Datz then said long time no see to Nahyuta, calling him Yuty. They knew each other eh? Hmmm... Datz was gonna be arrested, but he escaped from the courtroom.

The judge lamented on the witness being a huge waste of time but Nahyuta disagreed, saying Datz dropped a scrap of paper, seemingly from Dhurke. I piped up and said I had seen it before, bringing up the bloodstained letter. The scrap matched with it perfectly.

The judge asked me to read it but I couldn't read Khura'inese, so he asked Nahyuta. Nahyuta said that Datz was ordered to use the lamplights as a landmark and parachute down to the Inner Sanctum and when the rite was completed, he was to put on Lady Kee'ra's robes and escape.

I then thought to myself that if I could assume that Datz was the one who killed the high priest, then maybe that was because the high priest tried to stop him from escaping? Nahyuta, as if he could read my mind, told me this notion was ludicrous. He said that Datz was not the killer because his disguise plan couldn't have worked without the high priest being alive. It would be suspicious if he killed him.

Everybody now realised that the high priest was a rebel.

Nahyuta told me to give up. I said why should I? I insisted we couldn't end the trial without looking into the third party and, with a dramatic throw, he bound my pointing arm with his beads! He maintained that it was Maya!

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