Wednesday 9 September 2020

70 ace attorney 6 - about maya's secret

Dear Readers,

I went back to see Maya at the detention centre. She was okay after more questioning and asked how I got on. I said I didn't have any conclusive evidence that could prove her innocence, but I had a small lead. I wanted to ask her about the high priest.

Princess Rayfa was here too, still following me around. Maya asked if she had anything better to do and she barked back. Unfortunately, she overheard me when I asked Maya about the possibility of the high priest being a rebel. She was so offended she stormed out. Thank goodness.

I asked Maya if the high priest ever acted suspiciously. She said he seemed unusually restless during the rite and kept glancing up at the sky. That's about it really, unfortunately.

I then took the chance to ask her why she wanted to keep her spirit channelling a secret. She said only the queen can perform it in Khura'inism. The technique was brought to the U.S. via Japan and it seemed her spiritual power was greater than that of the average Khura'inese. She didn't know exactly how it happened. This seemed to mean that the queen's family and Maya's family were distant relatives. She said there wasn't a rule against it but she didn't want it to become an issue so she hid the fact that she can channel spirits, just like other spirit mediums when they come here. It was complicated enough, but training here was a must to fulfill the qualification needed to become the master, to be able to channel spirits of one's own volition and without fail every time. She was confident she could do it, but she was yet to take the final master test.

I then brought up the Steel Samurai knockoff show. Maya knew all about the Plumed Punisher! Rayfa came back and said everyone here knows about it. Maya had something to show both of us and she whipped out an ultra-rare Plumed Punisher strap, only one of which existed in the whole world! Rayfa was astonished. I asked her if she was a fan of the show and she blushed angrily, telling me she didn't and that only kids watched it.

I asked Maya how she got the strap and she said she met a fan here and did an exchange of cultures transcending national borders, meaning merchandise. She swapped her Steel Samurai watch for the strap. The watch was super rare and plays the Steel Samurai theme song when the alarm goes off. Her new friend was so happy, they traded the one-of-a-kind strap in return. She demonstrated the theme that plays when you press the magatama on the Plumed Punisher's belt.

I said it sounded just like the Steel Samurai's theme and Maya was quick to point out the differences between both. Then she brought up her idea for a show: "The Plumed Punisher vs. The Steel Samurai"! She said she was gonna pitch it to some TV stations when she gets back home. I asked Rayfa for her thoughts and she said she had no interest in such things.

I was glad at least that talking about The Plumed Punisher seemed to help cheer Maya up a bit. I told her to get some sleep and to leave tomorrow to me. She thanked me and left.

Rayfa said I had visited Maya a number of times already and that maybe I was smuggling tools or filing at the visitor room bars with my barbed head! I asked her how, as I was being watched by her all the time! She laughed and said she was just having some fun. Wow...

I brought up the strap which made her mad and she admitted she wanted it so badly she had many postcards sent in for it. She's not too difficult to read after all. Haha.

I'm getting some enjoyment out of these interactions with Rayfa at long last!

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