Tuesday 15 September 2020

76 ace attorney 6 - everything wrong with rayfa's insights

Dear Readers,

As I poked at the Insights and the Séance became clearer, I was trying to establish where Maya and the high priest were standing, but when I found that the lantern from the start of the vision was different from the lantern at the end, it overturned my own case.

Maya and Abbot Inmee's positions could be determined by the broken lantern. Now I could clearly see that Maya was standing between the outer lanterns. The judge commented on my credibility when I changed my case, but of course I was still working with Rayfa's faulty Insights and blurry Séance before!

I asserted that the high priest turned around while he was reading the scripture, which was why we couldn't see him turn around.

Nahyuta objected and Rayfa wasn't impressed either. I pointed out a huge error and said it was wrong about the number of people there. They were blown away along with the judge. Rayfa actually fainted with despair at the idea of being wrong yet again with her insights.

Nahyuta said he would take over from here and Rayfa sadly agreed, walking away. He prosecuted cases without a Séance before and now he had the help of Ema's talent in forensics with him.

The judge asked me for evidence on this possible third party. I still didn't have a motive, but I was able to present Lady Kee'ras letter and to some degree assert that it was them, the one disguised as her. Everyone was taken aback, including the judge, wondering why, as this figure was a hunter of rebels.

I said this was an excellent question and raised the possibility of the high priest himself being a rebel. Everyone was outraged, the judge calling it blasphemy and Nahyuta objected strongly, slamming his beads on his stand. He didn't change his stance one bit on the matter, saying it was Maya who killed the high priest.

I said the priest was stabbed in the abdomen, so how could she have done it if he had his back turned toward her?

Nahyuta objected again, and with confidence, saying he had an actual eyewitness prepared!

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