Sunday 6 September 2020

67 ace attorney 6 - house of the beh'leeber

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I went to the high priest's house. This was where I was taken when I passed out. The high priest's wife was indeed here. Her name was Beh'leeb, so her full name was Beh'leeb Inmee or "believe in me" hehe!

Rayfa sympathised with her loss. She was grateful and held and spoke with her husband's funeral picture, giving it a kiss now and again. She said she didn't have the ability to speak with the dead or anything but could feel his presence. I was introduced to her and she understood that I was Maya's friend.

Beh'leeb did indeed just suffer a terrible loss and I couldn't get the answers I desperately needed right away, so I just had a look around the house.

The first thing I examined was the CRT TV, which switched on and played some kind of knock off of the Steel Samurai show. Rayfa said it was "The Plumed Punisher: Warrior of Neo Twilight Realm." Wow. She said it was an entirely original show created here. I wasn't sure about that, especially considering the theme sounded like The Steel Samurai's. The game even brought that up for comparison! I brought it up and Rayfa barked that their show originated here. Haha that was pretty amusing!

The mountain range poster was pretty nice, showing the Inner Sanctum and Mt Poniponi.

I looked at the board game I'd never seen before and Rayfa said it was called Kachu'demahl, which made me laugh. "Catch them all" is it? Apparently it's some kind of chess they have here, but more severe of course.

There was a wanted poster on the table of someone named Datz Are'bal ("that's horrible" maybe?) and he was an escaped prisoner. A sizeable reward was mentioned too. Rayfa thought about lowering this sum, since it came out of people's taxes. At least she's learning about being kind and considerate I suppose.

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