Saturday 26 September 2020

87 ace attorney 6 - maya puts rayfa in her place

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I returned to the detention centre to see Maya. She seemed really tired and I apologised to her for being unable to defend her in that trial. She said I should withdraw from this new case and maybe they would commute my sentence. I said not to worry, that maybe this extra day was a blessing from the Holy Mother and maybe we could use it to our advantage and turn everything inside-out and upside-down!

Rayfa was quiet and I commented on it. She said she would give us time to talk before we were executed. I told her we weren't giving up until the bitter end. She told me not to worry about Maya, that her soul would be cleansed. I wondered if she was trying to comfort me. She told me to stop my struggle.

Maya interrupted, asking Rayfa why she was always like that and that I was only doing what lawyers were supposed to do. Rayfa said lawyers weren't needed when she had the Séance and Maya told her flat out that her Insights were wrong.

Ouch. Rayfa looked really upset at this.

Maya continued, saying errors were bound to happen if Rayfa's Insights were accepted without question. She then asked Rayfa what was her true duty as the royal priestess and if the victims' souls or the Holy Mother wanted her to judge people in error. Rayfa was furious and told us to struggle all we wanted.

I could see right through her. I knew she didn't really want to be like this and it was just the way she was raised.

I wasn't really able to get many answers from Maya. She had no memory of the rite since she got sleepy and she didn't know Puhray Zeh'lot that well either since he was so quiet. She was sad about this. I said not to worry because as soon as this was over we'd be able to go home, try Eldoon's Noodles or her favourite burger place! She perked up, saying she'd go for best of both worlds!

Just when I was about to go, she suddenly remembered something and whispered to me that she left something super important at the high priest's house. The text bipping got quiet while we whispered, which was a nice touch!

She asked me to get it and hold on to it for her. I said I would. She said it was a folding book in her bag called the Tome of Secrets, given to the priestess who performs the rite. She revealed that Lady Kee'ra's real name was in it but to keep that a secret!

Rayfa didn't hear. Good. Time to get the book!

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