Sunday 27 September 2020

88 ace attorney 6 - the secret of names

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I returned to the high priest's home since I was now to collect Maya's book. Beh'leeb wasn't here.

Rayfa said she was watching me like a hawk, or more accurately, a warbaa'd. I said I was only collecting something for Maya. She asked what was the strange symbol on Maya's bag and I told her about the Steel Samurai. She noticed the similarity between that and the Plumed Punisher and she was genuinely intrigued. I wondered who the big fan was that Maya met.

I found the Tome of Secrets in Maya's bag and something slipped, revealing the book to Rayfa. She knew what it was and yelled at me to put it away, saying we would go blind as punishment!

I asked Rayfa if she would tell me about the Tome of Secrets. She consulted her "pocket internet" and obliged, telling me about the importance of Lady Kee'ra's name and the importance of a name in general when the queen uses her secret art. I pretended not to know what Maya told me. Rayfa was more than willing to tell me, saying I had no chance of learning this big secret art, the spirit channelling technique.

Rayfa told me about souls that came back from death, that they had no concept of time passing since they died. She said souls were brought back to be learned from and to help counsel other countries, which was why their country had never been invaded and how they were able to keep their unique culture. This is food for thought. Could be good in helping to keep ones own culture alive.

She also mentioned immigrants coming in and trying to seek salvation in their culture. Some of dubious nataure that were driven from their lands. I thought Gaspen Payne definitely fit that bill! However, they treated him extremely well over here and let him do a lot.

I asked her if she could channel spirits and she said she had much she had to learn. Her limit was the Divination Séance. I was thinking that Maya was better than her and she could see this written all over my face and got mad at me again! I asked her to forgive my ignorance. She aspired to master spirit channelling, just like Maya.

Rayfa guessed right when she said I was about to suggest that maybe the queen was channelling Lady Kee'ra. She said her mother was at the palace, doing her duties and it wouldn't be a thing she'd do anyway, going around battling the insurgents by herself.

It was time to leave and check other leads but we could hear voices outside. Rayfa asked her pocket internet and we learned it was the cops chasing the escaped prisoner, Datz, through town! We rushed to the bazaar!

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