Friday 25 September 2020

86 ace attorney 6 - talking about gingihl

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I visited the high priest's house again and Beh'leeb was here. Rayfa scolded me for questioning the grieving widow again, but I needed answers.

I asked her if she really thought Maya was the killer and she said she didn't know, but she was found guilty, so what else could she have believed? I said the truth was yet to be found because I believed with all my faith that Maya was innocent. She found my faith moving and decided to tell me what she could. She even took her husband's form again and said if my faith wasn't true that he would curse me and my disciples for the next eight generations. Yikes!

I asked her more about Puhray Zeh'lot. She said her husband found him collapsed on the ground and brought him home.

I was able to examine the surroundings with a different context this time. I observed the family photo which had the high priest, his wife, Acolyte Zeh'lot and Maya in it. Rayfa called it suspicious but I stood firm and said it further proves Maya's innocence. I asked Beh'leeb about it and she said it was taken during the Feast of Blessings. She mentioned Gingihl, which I heard you could go three days without sleeping after eating some. It's eaten before the purification rite because there's a period where it's forbidden to eat. She said that it had to be eaten at a specific time as well, so that the smell would dissipate in time for the rite. I took the specifics of this ritual as her statement.

That was all I had to go on here. She wouldn't respond to anything else, not even the flower that's used in situations like this. I decided to visit Maya.

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