Monday 7 September 2020

68 ace attorney 6 - return of the psyche-locks!

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I were still at the high priest's house, still looking around, still hoping to talk more with Beh'leeb Inmee.

I asked Rayfa what the scary-looking spiky thing was on the floor. She said it was a floor cushion and called me ignorant. She's gotta be pranking me... I'm not sitting on it!

In the bin I found an envelope that had the same three row holes that the letter had. I asked Rayfa for help with it and she gave out to me for not only rooting in other people's rubbish, but also not knowing how to read. I guess I should've studied the language, but I was willing to put up with her giving out for now.

Lady Beh'leeb was now willing to speak to us. She even imitated her husband by holding his portrait in front of her face and called herself a lovely wife this way. Hehe. Aw!

I asked her if she had any idea why her husband was killed? If anybody had a grudge against him? She said he wouldn't do anything that would cause someone to bear a grudge against him.

When she said that, the screen went dark, chains drew across and all around her and three Psyche-Locks appeared! Just like old times! I still had the magatama that Maya gave me all those years ago and it let me know when someone was hiding something from me by making these locks appear. I don't remember Ace Attorney 5 fully, but the chains look cool in 3D.

With a "Take that!" I tried to find what she was hiding. I said I believed I knew there was someone who had a reason to kill her husband. I had three choices:
  • The escaped prisoner
  • Lady Kee'ra
  • The rebel Dhurke
I wasn't sure which to pick so I explored the options. She kept saying it was Maya but it wasn't. I brought up the escaped prisoner and Dhurke, but she said Maya would've been slain as well. Whoever it was wanted to stop the purification rite, so it was the one assuming the Lady Kee'ra disguise in the newspapers.

When I chose that, Beh'leeb held up her husband's portrait to her face and switched the picture to one of him looking with a dark-eyed expression. She said she didn't know who I was talking about and I brought up the recent newspaper reports. She then switched the picture to a laughing face of him, saying why would this person want to kill him.

Some pretty interesting expressions gong on here! I presented the letter that Maya found, and this broke one of the locks.

She then claimed Maya may have been lying and that she never saw that letter before and her husband didn't either. With this I was able to present the envelope with the matching holes. This broke the second lock. Then I had to point out the actual holes. I then presented the Warbaa'd Arrow found outside, saying its three prongs made the holes when it was delivered on its points. This broke the final lock and loosened the chains. Woo!

She said the letter was delivered to her husband but he wasn't an insurgent, and the authorities might've suspected him of being one if she hadn't kept the letter a secret. This Lady Kee'ra vigilante sought out insurgents after all. I wondered if the priest may have been a rebel, but I decided not to ask that for now.

I asked Beh'leeb about the warning. She said it arrived three days before the rite and it was there by the side of their bed when they woke up that morning, even though they had the house locked up tight. They feared telling the police in case they suspected him of being a rebel.

Just then, Rayfa told me that was enough. I thanked and apologised to Beh'leeb for talking to her about these things at such a difficult time and she said not to be silly and that she was glad to help. She then, behind her husband's portrait said may Rayfa shine light upon the truth.

Rayfa said I seemed bent on casting suspicion upon Lady Kee'ra just to deflect blame from Maya. I had no answer for this, but I wanted to see if my secret theory about the priest being a rebel was correct, so I thought about going to see Maya again since she knew him.

Just then Rayfa's pocket internet/attendant told her something. I asked did something happen and she said her mother decreed that a rite shall be held for the high priest's passing and she would also conduct the Prayer of Lament therein. Beh'leeb was humbled but Rayfa insisted on bringing her to the palace at once.

She also insisted on bringing ME, saying I had to remain within her sight at all times. I decided to just go with it, thinking it would be worse if I argued with her.

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