Wednesday 16 September 2020

77 ace attorney 6 - the weird hairy guy returns

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta brought forth his eyewitness and it was the weird hairy guy!

He was anonymous to me up until now but he dramatically revealed his name to be A'nohn Ihmus TBD! What a name! Nahyuta said he suffered an accident that gave him amnesia, so he named him A'nohn Ihmus (TBD) in his report. Ihmus didn't remember his own life, but he remembered the event of the murder. The judge allowed it since there was so little information.

Ihmus testified that he witnessed Maya stabbing the high priest from Mt. Poniponi, the mountain next to it, with his binoculars. He went there to pray in peace. The judge asked him how could he see it so clearly and he answered that it was a really clear sky and said to check the weather report in the newspaper we had, which did indeed talk about clear skies.

Ihmus had a goofy way about him, but since he said something so obviously wrong, it had to be a front.

Nahyuta asked him about how the killer was holding the blade and he said it was in a reverse grip. I asked Nahyuta what that had to do with anything and he told me I was going to be a witless sea urchin in my next life, with barbs limited to my butt. Yeesh.

Nahyuta went on to infer with the current facts that Maya could've held the blade in that position so she could wrap her arm around the high priest and stab him that way. I was stunned and the judge laughed, saying this would be consistent with Rayfa's Insights too.

Another tight situation! I had to move on and cross-examine Ihmus.

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