Thursday 17 September 2020

78 ace attorney 6 - weird hairy guy's weird hairy lies

Dear Readers,

A'nohn Ihmus was clearly lying when he said he saw Maya killing the high priest from another mountain and I was able to raise an "Objection!" to this with the curtain on the point about the binoculars. It took a few tries get this pinpoint correct though! Also, pressing him was entertaining.

The judge confronted him about the curtain blocking his view and he immediately admitted he didn't actually see the accused herself, so he went on to explain.

He made a short amended testimony, saying he saw the shadows of the accused and the high priest, made by the full moon cast onto the ritual curtain.

It was pretty ridiculous, but I pressed him on these points anyway. I couldn't nail him with anything it seemed, which was dumb, given how stupid his testimony was, and ended up having to consult Maya. I reloaded my save and raised an "Objection!" on his statement about the full moon, using the Rites Guide.

The full moon was directly above the area, so he couldn't have seen any of its shadows. He insisted he did see shadows and then I said if that was the case, then he must've been somewhere else. The only place he could've been was the Inner Sanctum. Of course, he wasn't allowed, and I raised the possibility that he could've been this third party I had been trying to establish.

Nahyuta objected, and asked from where could Ihmus have gotten to the Inner Sanctum? Ihmus joined in and said he wasn't there. I then asked him about these silhouettes he insisted he saw and he then said he was starting to think he was imagining things! The crowd was on his side too! This was ridiculous!

Maya rooted for me in response to the crowd, but they murmured angrily. Yeesh.

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